In Eu sou mãe, A história de trás da personagem de Hillary Swank é fortemente deixada à interpretação do leitor. De acordo com a própria personagem:
She was raised as an orphan, adopted by a family, and lived in a cave for some unknown amount of time. The fact that she'd seen The Tonight Show suggests she was alive before the extinction event and would remember regular society; however, this is inconsistent with her statement that her adoptive family found her after the event.
No entanto, está implícito que:
She is the first fetus APx01. We can guess this because:
1. We don't know what happened to APx01; there appears to be no evidence (but we do know APx01 was at least gestated)
2. The woman bears a striking resemblance to Daughter
3. The woman's stated back story implies that some individuals lived through mother's extinction event. This seems unlikely.
Os criadores do programa foram muito cuidadosos para não fornecer informações óbvias sobre a fonte primária (evidências filmadas, não declarações de personagens), mas sobre como essa interpretação pode cair. Dito isto, há alguma evidência no filme que possa confirmar essa interpretação?