História curta sobre uma lua de Marte cuja órbita está a poucos metros de distância


Uma espaçonave chega a Marte e começa a explorar. A tripulação percebe uma trincheira semicircular superficial que corre em linha reta em toda a paisagem, transformando-se em um círculo completo e perfurando através de qualquer terreno mais alto. Eles continuam a seguir o recurso até que eles se deparam com uma aldeia marciana alinhada ao longo da trincheira e percebem que há um enorme calendário no centro da cidade. Acontece que há uma terceira lua de Marte e ela orbita tão baixo que atinge a superfície. O calendário dos marcianos garante que todos estejam cientes de seu próximo passe (agora porque eles não apenas moveram a aldeia a 100 metros à esquerda ...).

por Maury Markowitz 21.10.2016 / 19:02

2 respostas

Isso poderia ser " Os Buracos ao Redor de Marte " de Jerome Bixby, como anteriormente respondido como parte de esta questão .

A citação de apoio dessa resposta:

That night in the ship, while we all sat around, still shaking our heads every once in a while, Allenby talked with Earth. He sat there, wearing the headphones, trying to make himself understood above the god-awful static.

". . . an exceedingly small body," he repeated wearily to his unbelieving audience, "about four inches in diameter. It travels at a mean distance of four feet above the surface of the planet, at a velocity yet to be calculated. Its unique nature results in many hitherto unobserved—I might even say unimagined—phenomena." He stared blankly in front of him for a moment, then delivered the understatement of his life. "The discovery may necessitate a reexamination of many of our basic postulates in the physical sciences."

[. . .]

"Inasmuch as Mars's outermost moon is called Deimos, and the next Phobos," he said, "I think I shall name the third moon of Mars—Bottomos."

A história completa pode ser lida legalmente como cortesia do Project Gutenberg.

21.10.2016 / 19:11

Embora não seja a história que você pretende, um conjunto semelhante de circunstâncias improváveis é encontrado na "Sonata de Hidrogênio" de Iain M. Bank. ". Uma pequena lua foi escavada e lançada em uma órbita sub-superfície (!) Ao redor de um planeta um pouco maior

So Fzan-Juym had been appropriately refitted, refurbished and improved, towed to Eshri, slung into a low orbit around it and then carefully lowered still further – kilometre by kilometre, metre by metre, eventually millimetre by millimetre, speeding up all the time – until its orbit now lay a kilometre beneath the planet’s surface, darting along one of the widest and deepest canyons of all in a blur of planet-girdling movement, its course held steady by a network of hermetically isolated AIs and multiply redundant thruster systems dedicated to doing nothing else.

Its own engines had done almost all the work at every stage, though various other craft had helped and been there to step in had anything started to go wrong, but a modest degree of seeming helplessness was deemed to be useful in providing a sort of camouflage of its own.

Fzan-Juym, headquarters of the Socialist-Republican People’s Liberation Regiment #14, had been in sub-surface equatorial orbit of Eshri ever since, zipping along like a super-fast bullet in a slab-sided groove open to the pitch-black sky, orbiting the planet in less than an hour and covering over two hundred million kilometres every year – nearly half a trillion altogether by now – while never coming closer than fifteen hundred metres to either the flat canyon floor or its sheer, polished sides.

21.10.2016 / 20:36