Por que Fury não pediu a ajuda do Capitão Marvel mais cedo?


No final de Capitão Marvel, Carol gives Nick Fury a

pager, upgraded to allow him to contact her across at least a couple of galaxies, for “emergencies only”.

She also leaves

the Tesseract, from which her powers were derived,

on Earth with him. In the post-credits scene of Avengers: Infinity War, he uses

the pager to contact Carol, presumably to ask for help with the small matter of loads of people dissolving out of existence.

However, weren’t there earlier occasions that called for the same action? Specifically:

the theft of the Tesseract, and the subsequent use of it to allow an alien invasion of New York led by an Asgardian, in The Avengers?

por Paul D. Waite 11.03.2019 / 05:09

1 resposta

Kevin Feige answered @ SlashFilm

Peter: I have my nitpicky question I gotta ask you.

Kevin Feige: I’m ready.

Peter: And I know you probably have an answer for this. Why didn’t Nick Fury not use the pager until Infinity War? Because this big hole opened up in the sky and aliens attacked New York City.

Kevin Feige: Well, I’d say two things. One, she does say it’s gotta be a real emergency, right? Yeah.

Peter: Because that was just a city. I guess that’s not the world.

Kevin Feige: The other thing I’d say is how do you know he never hit it? How do we know he never pushed it before? We’ve never seen him push it before. That doesn’t mean he never did.

Peter: Good answer.

Samuel Jackson also chimed in

And speaking with IGN, Samuel L. Jackson explained his view on why Fury hasn’t called Carol back to Earth yet:

“We finally have an emergency that I feel warrants her presence. This is unprecedented. How are you gonna fight that? I can’t fight that. If I’m not here, I need to find someone to come here who can handle it. All those people are ineffective. They’re great for normal, everyday world disaster. But intergalactic badass who has all the Infinity Stones needs a bit more.”

11.03.2019 / 11:20