Novela sobre um garoto que é levado para uma ilha por um robô, ele pode controlar máquinas


Eu li este livro há três a cinco anos (2012-2014).

Nele, um garoto é levado para uma ilha por um robô, que se torna melhor amigo dele, junto com um policial gigante que é azul. Acontece que o garoto pode controlar máquinas, e ele se torna amigo de uma garota que é a última mulher de sua raça e pode se tornar líquida, e um garoto que pode fazer alguma coisa (esqueceu o seu poder). Todo mundo acha que o protagonista é um cara alienígena infectado que atacou há dez anos e tenta mantê-lo à distância.

Lembro-me de detalhes como haver uma estrada Maglev, um cara chamado Smart que olha para o futuro e literalmente não tem coração, e um monge que pode reverter sua idade.

por Desonant TheAbandoned 27.02.2017 / 23:40

1 resposta

Você está procurando Jack Blank e a nação da imagem (também conhecido como O herói acidental) de Matt Myklush.

O policial gigante é chamado Azul:

As the owner of the voice made his way upstairs, Jack saw that he was nothing less than a giant. The entire boat rocked from side to side as Blue walked up the steps. When he opened the door to exit onto the deck, he could barely fit through it. He was a ten-foot-tall hulking mass of muscle who looked like he could pick up every boat on the pier and juggle them if he wanted to. He wasn’t called Blue because he was a cop, but rather because his skin was a clear, bright shade of royal blue.

A menina é Allegra e ela se transforma em líquido quando está assustada:

“Nice guy, huh?” Jack said to Allegra, who was tiptoeing her way out into the open.

“Eeep!” she yelped, and liquefied into a puddle again. She spilled across the floor and reformulated behind Prime, who tried and failed to repress an embarrassed sigh.

O personagem chamado Gestão Inteligente é Jonas Smart. Ele é descrito como sem coração por causa de sua maneira fria, mas na verdade ele não tem coração:

Years ago, I was diagnosed with a terminal heart condition. Countless transplant attempts failed, each one condemning me to die. A lesser man would have turned to despair, but I did not sit around waiting for a fatal heart attack to end my life. Using my TimeScope, I uncovered a cure perfected many years in the future and acted upon that information: I had my heart surgically removed. 

After my heart was cut out of my chest, its functions were duplicated by a series of magnetic implants placed throughout my body. I now ingest iron-rich supplements that magnetize my blood and circulate it through my veins. A radical solution, to be sure, but no one can argue with the results.

As estradas maglev foram inventadas pela empresa de Smart:

The biggest company in the world,” Jazen answered. “They do business all around the globe, but under a lot of different fake names. You’d be amazed at who some of their front companies are. Tangitals and Hard-Light Holos were invented by the owner of the company, a man named Jonas Smart.”

“He also invented HoverPads, SmartCams, MagLev roads, and a ton of other things,” Blue added. “In addition to being the senior member of Empire City’s Inner Circle, he also runs SmartCorp. These days, that means he pretty much runs Empire City.”

28.02.2017 / 11:24