Na batalha espacial acima de Scarif, por que os rebeldes não voaram ao redor do portão de escudo e entraram na superfície planetária?


Na cena da batalha espacial, os rebeldes perderam as asas X do 2 enquanto tentavam entrar na superfície planetária. Por que eles não voaram ao redor?

por Mattking32 17.02.2019 / 09:51

2 respostas

Eles não podem 'contornar' o escudo porque o escudo abrange todo o planeta.

What am I looking at?” she asked, squinting at the ring. She made out the specks of starships descending through its center, but then a shimmer outside the ring’s edge caught her eye—the subtly distorting gleam of an energy field.

There’s a planetwide defensive shield with a single main entry gate,” Bodhi said. “This shuttle should be equipped with an access code that allows us through.

Rogue One: Official Novelisation

Os filmes Guia visual finalO livro de fatos deixa bem claro que o escudo tem a mesma força a toda a volta e é "impenetrável".

Bodhi has a working familiarity with the Scarif approach — he's flown it over a dozen times before. However, his paltry security clearance means he has never set foot beyond a landing pad, several kilometers distant from the team's ultimate objective: the Scarif Citadel. One obstacle at a time is the only way to succeed in this foolhardy mission against overwhelming odds. Bodhi's clearance codes get the shuttle past its first obstacle—an otherwise impenetrable shield barrier that envelops the entire planet, save for a high-altitude gate station.

17.02.2019 / 10:50

Parece que o escudo envolveu o planeta inteiro. Os portões eram o único caminho enquanto o escudo estava erguido.

17.02.2019 / 09:55