O Dr. Dolittle usa animais para transporte incomum?


O doutor Dolittle pode conversar com animais e não hesita em usá-los em seu trabalho. Ainda assim, não me lembro de ele ter usado animais para se locomover para uso fora do normal (por exemplo, ele está sempre pegando um carro ou barco, em vez de voar através do mar por pássaros. Não estou me referindo a andar a cavalo, ou até um Pushmi-Pullyu).

Então, estou me lembrando corretamente? O Doutor Dolittle usa animais para transporte incomum a qualquer momento durante os livros originais de Hugh Lofting?

por TheAsh 08.11.2017 / 18:27

2 respostas

Ele voa para a lua nas costas de uma gigante Luna Moth chamada Jamaro Bumblelily. Suponho que isso conte como transporte incomum ...

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Além disso, no final de As viagens do doutor Dolittle, ele e seus amigos viajam para casa no fundo do mar, dentro da concha do Grande Caracol do Mar Rosa.

Our new quarters we found very satisfactory. Inside the spacious shell, the snail’s wide back was extremely comfortable to sit and lounge on—better than a sofa, when you once got accustomed to the damp and clammy feeling of it. He asked us, shortly after we started, if we wouldn’t mind taking off our boots, as the hobnails in them hurt his back as we ran excitedly from one side to another to see the different sights.

-p. 307 da edição em brochura de junho 1988 da Dell (que não inclui a seguinte imagem colorida, mas está no Cópia do Projeto Gutenberg)

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08.11.2017 / 19:41

Ponte dos Macacos

O Dr. Dolittle usa um monte de macacos como ponte, para atravessar um abismo até a Terra dos Macacos.

But the big monkey who was carrying the pig dropped him on the ground and cried out to the other monkeys. "Boys—a bridge! Quick!—Make a bridge! We've only a minute to do it. They've got the Captain loose, and he's coming on like a deer. Get lively! A bridge! A bridge!" The Doctor began to wonder what they were going to make a bridge out of, and he gazed around to see if they had any boards hidden any place. But when he looked back at the cliff, there, hanging across the river, was a bridge all ready for him—made of living monkeys! For while his back was turned, the monkeys—quick as a flash—had made themselves into a bridge, just by holding hands and feet.
And the big one shouted to the Doctor, "Walk over! Walk over—all of you—hurry!"
Gub–Gub was a bit scared, walking on such a narrow bridge at that dizzy height above the river. But he got over all right; and so did all of them.
John Dolittle was the last to cross. And just as he was getting to the other side, the King's men came rushing up to the edge of the cliff.
The Story of Dr. Dolittle, chapter 7: "The Bridge of Apes"

08.11.2017 / 18:39