Novela em áudio-livro sobre um alienígena humano que vem à Terra e adora gin


Estou procurando o nome de um romance. Eu o ouvi em formato de livro de áudio em fitas cassete no início dos 2000s. Isso vai ser difícil porque me falta muitos detalhes.

O básico é que um alienígena pousa na Terra. Ele está sozinho - um único viajante. Ele conhece um amigo humano logo após o desembarque e esses dois são os personagens principais. Uma questão importante é que o alienígena aprende sobre o gin e o ama (possivelmente se tornando um alcoólatra). O amor do alienígena por gim é algo que tenho certeza do 100, porque quando criança eu não sabia o que era o gim e tive que aprender a entender o romance.

Para "provar" que ele é um alienígena, o personagem principal traz consigo algum tipo de plano ou esquema para invenções "futuristas". Perto do final do romance, aprendemos que esses planos ajudaram os humanos a criar coisas como TV em cores e café instantâneo - e acredito que outras invenções que nunca chegaram a acontecer na vida real.

Considerando as previsões futuras da TV em cores, o romance original pode ser bastante antigo.

por bkanuka 28.08.2019 / 10:12

1 resposta

O Homem Que Caiu na Terra (1963) por Walter Tevis

Thomas Jerome Newton is a humanoid alien who comes to Earth seeking to construct a spaceship to ferry others from his home planet, Anthea, to Earth. Anthea is experiencing a terrible drought after many nuclear wars, and the population has dwindled to less than 300. Their own starships are unusable for lack of fuel and 500 years of neglect. The Antheans have no water, an abundance of food that is slowly dwindling, and feeble solar power. Like all Antheans, Newton is super-intelligent, but he has been selected for this mission because he has the physical strength necessary to function in Earth's hotter climate and higher gravity.

Arriving at Earth in a lifeboat, Newton first lands in the state of Kentucky. He quickly becomes familiar with the environment and forms a plan. Using advanced technology from his home planet, Newton patents many inventions, and amasses incredible wealth as the head of a technology-based conglomerate. He plans to use this wealth to construct space vehicles for the rest of the Anthean population.

Along the way he meets Betty Jo, who falls in love with him. He does not return these feelings, but takes her and his curious fuel-technician Nathan Bryce as his friends, while he runs his company in the shadows. Betty Jo introduces Newton to many Earth customs, such as church, fashion, and alcohol. However, his appetite for alcohol soon leads to problems, as he begins to experience intense emotions unfamiliar to Antheans.

Wikipedia, The Man Who Fell to Earth (novel)

Foi transformado em um Filme 1976 com o mesmo nome onde o álcool ele gosta é gin demasiado.

Using the alias 'Mr. Sussex', Newton travels to New Mexico. He checks into a local hotel where he meets Mary-Lou (Candy Clark) a maid who helps him when he becomes sick from a fast elevator ride. She becomes his constant companion and lover. She brings him a TV set and influences him to drink alcoholic beverages, partially gin. Eventually, Newton watches many television sets at once having become addicted and begins to drink gin incessantly. Still missing his family, he initiates a space program with all the money he has made in order to return to his home planet and to bring water to help his wife and children.

Foi transformado em um livro de áudio em 1990 e narrado por George Guidall. Você pode ver isso em

Thomas Newton is an extraterrestrial, one of only 300 left on his home planet. Using his superior intelligence and skills, Newton amasses a small fortune and a business empire, but soon must battle unexpected foes: the CIA, alcoholism, loneliness, himself. An utterly absorbing psychological study of one man's struggle to survive on the 20th-century Earth.

28.08.2019 / 10:25