Por que o Discovery continuou com sua missão?


Star Trek: Descoberta A temporada 2 terminou com os personagens adotando seu plano para impedir que o Control obtivesse acesso aos dados da Sphere a bordo do Discovery, tentando iniciar o Discovery no futuro fora de seu alcance.

Enquanto continuava a missão,

Control is defeated by Georgiou and neutralised (this is confirmed by co-creator and co-showrunner Alex Kurtzman (fourth quote in the article)). Importantly, this defeat occurs before Discovery enters the wormhole.

Por que foi então necessário continuar com a missão de atravessar o buraco de minhoca?

Control is gone, it can't access the data. Even if Control wasn't destroyed and remained in the past while Discovery successfully travelled to the future, it's an incredibly advanced AI as it is, probably capable of playing the waiting game and lying dormant for however many years it takes for Discovery to re-emerge from the wormhole.
As a further point, if Georgiou had failed in killing Control (which wasn't a guaranteed victory, it appeared to have the upper hand most of the fight) it would have travelled into the future with the data, so the mission objective should have changed once Control beamed aboard.

por Ongo 20.04.2019 / 01:01

1 resposta

A discussão de Spock com o almirante no final apontou um motivo: enquanto esses dados existirem, ou se sabe que existem, existe o risco de outra versão do Control teoricamente poder colocar suas mãos digitais nele.

By claiming Discovery was destroyed, and thus the data with it, Spock and his other conspirators have removed that piece from the board. Another version of Control just can't take the Slow Path and wait for the ship to re-appear; it wouldn't know the data still exists in the future. And by having records of the ship and its mission erased, references to the data would be even harder to find if someone or something else even knew to look for it.

20.04.2019 / 02:11