50s sci fi Filme sobre o sol queimando as pessoas. Eu pensei que era Missile To The Moon [fechado]


Missile To The Moon não é isso. Muito semelhante, mas mais de uma pessoa queima e não apenas no final

por Joe 02.05.2018 / 16:33

1 resposta

Com base nas informações muito limitadas, pode ser The Mole People (melhor visto como um episódio do Mystery Science Theater 3000 ). O povo underground no filme não tem pigmento e é queimado pelo sol até a luz solar direta. Por Wikipédia:

Archaeologists Dr. Roger Bentley and Dr. Jud Bellamin find a race of Sumerian albinos living deep under the Earth.... The Sumerian albinos' ancestors relocated into the subterranean after cataclysmic floods in ancient Mesopotamia. They believe the men are messengers of Ishtar, their goddess. Whenever their population increases, they sacrifice old people to the Eye of Ishtar. These people have lived underground for so long that they are weakened by bright light which the archaeologists brought in the form of a flashlight. However, there is one girl named Adad who has natural Caucasian skin who is disdained by the others since she has the "mark of darkness."

When one of the archaeologists is killed by a mole person, Elinu, the High Priest, realizes they are not gods. He orders their capture and takes the flashlight to control the Mole People, not knowing it is depleted. The archaeologists are then sent to the Eye of Ishtar just as the Mole People rebel. Adad goes to the Eye only to realize it is really natural light coming from the surface and that the men had survived. They then climb to the surface. Unfortunately, Adad dies after reaching the surface, when an earthquake causes a column to fall over and crush her.

02.05.2018 / 16:50