O jovem Luke ficou sabendo do enterro de sua avó na casa dos Lars?


Em Ataque dos Clones , a mãe de Anakin Skywalker, Shmi Lars, foi capturada e morta pelo Povo da Areia. Mais tarde, ela foi devolvida e enterrada na fazenda Lars sob uma lápide.

Como Luke cresceu na mesma casa em Tatooine, ele já aprendeu sobre o significado da sepultura, ou Owen e Beru esconderam a história dele? Por razões óbvias, isso não é coberto em A New Hope , mas há algo sobre isso em outras mídias?

por Essen 13.03.2017 / 06:36

2 respostas

Eu conversei com um amigo sobre essa questão durante este fim de semana, e ele apontou o romance Uma nova esperança: A vida de Luke Skywalker . A história está de acordo com os comentários de Pablo Hidalgo e nos dá também a visão in-universe dos eventos. Mesmo que seu tio Owen tenha removido as lápides, Luke ainda tem alguma sugestão sobre o destino de sua avó. De acordo com o romance, foi a tia Beru quem revelou a identidade de Shmi para Luke.

O primeiro capítulo acontece quando Lucas tem apenas quatro anos:

Sam's gaze had drifted to an area beyond the homestead's open pit. "Say, something's different over there."

Beru said, "Where?"

"There," Sam said, pointing. "Didn't you have some supply tanks, or some kind of...?" Sam stopped talking, and then everyone was silent.

Luke noticed the sudden quiet and turned his head to follow the adults' gaze to the southwest. Except for some moisture vaporators in the distance, there was nothing to see but scorched ground.

"Sorry, Owen," Sam said, finally breaking the awkward silence. "I just realized what was, uh, missing. It's the headstones."

Owen said nothing, but just kept his eyes to the southwest.

Sam said, "I, uh, hope it wasn't vandals..."

"No," Owen said. "I removed the headstones."

"Oh," Sam said.

Without any further explanation, Owen turned and headed for the entry dome. After he was gone, Beru said, "Please forgive Owen. He... he just didn't see a need for anyone to know where Shmi was buried."

"But he removed all the headstones," Sam said. "His parents and uncle were buried there too, yes?"

Beru nodded.

Luke said, "Who's Shmi?"

Beru jumped. She hadn't seen Luke in front of the parked speeder and didn't know that he'd been listening. She glanced at Dama, then back at Luke and said, "Shmi was your grandmother, Luke."

"Oh," he said. "Is my father buried there too?"

"No," Beru said. "Your father didn't die on Tatooine."

"Oh," he said again. Then he looked at Dama and Sam and said, "My father was a navigator on a spice freighter. Uncle Owen told me so."

O evento permaneceu memorável para Luke, como quando ele tinha sete anos:

He dipped his hand into a pocket and withdrew a droid caller he'd rigged to allow him to sneak past the small, roving guard droids that patrolled the homestead's perimeter. Out of habit, he walked carefully around the area where he knew the bodies of his grandmother and Owen's parents and uncle were buried.

E enquanto ele tinha quinze anos:

The suns were close to the horizon. Looking beyond the homestead's courtyard, Luke saw long shadows crawling across the desert. And then his gaze landed on the area of the unmarked graves that included his grandmother's final resting place.

Então, pelo menos em Legends, Luke aprendeu sobre o destino de sua avó em tenra idade , apesar dos esforços de seu tio.

20.03.2017 / 09:25

As lápides foram, de acordo com o Pablo Hidalgo removido por Owen Lars, para evitar que Luke fizesse perguntas desagradáveis sobre sua pais e antepassados. Isso obviamente explicaria sua ausência em Uma Nova Esperança.

Por implicação (com a morte de sua tia e tio), Luke nunca soube que suas sepulturas estavam lá.

Q. I was wondering whose grave is that next to Shmi Skywalker's in Attack of the Clones? Plus, do you think Luke ever wondered who these people were, or do you think Owen took them down?

Hidalgo: Next to Shmi's headstone is a grave shared by both of Cliegg Lars's parents. Gredda and Lef. The smallest headstone marks the grave of Edern Lars. Cliegg's younger brother who died at age 14 when he lost control of the family land-speeder. Owen Lars removed the headstones to stave off any awkward questions from Luke. Luke knew of Shmi because that's where the Skywalker name came from, but she was only a footnote in his young life, an avenue of curiosity that Owen Lars strictly guarded.

Ask the Master - Star Wars Insider #80

Isso também foi confirmado em Star Wars Insider # 71.

Q. In Attack of the Clones when Anakin is mourning at his mother's gravesite, why are there three tombstones instead of just one? Also, why don't we see this gravesite when we return to the Lars homestead again in A New Hope? Did the Jawa sandcrawler run it over?

A. Inside Attack of the Clones, published by DK, revealed the three tombstones belonged to members of Cliegg's family. Gredda and Lef Lars, his parents, share a grave, while his younger brother Edern, who died at the age of 14, has the smaller tombstone. Later, Owen Lars removed the tombstones to help keep some of these tragedies away from Luke.

Answers to your Star Wars Questions - Star Wars Insider #71

13.03.2017 / 10:51