Arquivos X - Waxman-Geshwind


Na temporada 4 / episódio 23 Mulder e Scully conversam sobre a Síndrome de Waxman-Geshwind.

Às vezes, as Síndromes e / ou Fenômenos que fazem parte do episódio existem na realidade.

Waxman-Geschwind existe na realidade?

por Peter Rader 02.03.2016 / 19:54

2 respostas

Sim, é uma condição neuro-psicológica real (embora controversa)

"Geschwind syndrome, also known as Gastaut-Geschwind, is a group of behavioral phenomena evident in some people with temporal lobe epilepsy. It is named for one of the first individuals to categorize the symptoms, Norman Geschwind, who published prolifically on the topic from 1973 to 1984. There is controversy surrounding whether it is a true neuropsychiatric disorder.

Temporal lobe epilepsy causes chronic, mild, interictal (i.e. between seizures) changes in personality, which slowly intensify over time. Geschwind syndrome includes five primary changes; hypergraphia,hyperreligiosity, atypical (usually reduced) sexuality, circumstantiality, and intensified mental life.

A parte "Waxman" vem do fato de Stephen G. Waxman, MD, PhD, ser co-autor em um dos documentos principais.

02.03.2016 / 20:09

O cópia também o chama de Síndrome de Dostoiévski, que também possui um corolário da vida real:

The fullest description of what have been termed ‘religious seizures’, comes from the writing of Dostoyevsky (hence the sobriquet ‘Dostoyevsky seizures’), particularly in the character of Prince Myshkin in ‘The Idiot,’ whose epilepsy is a key motif throughout the book.

The seizures described by Dostoyevsky do not have explicit religious content, so the term ‘religious seizure’ is unhelpful. More accurate perhaps is James Leuba’s ‘ecstatic seizures’. In his 1925 classic, he describes some cases.

Da publicação do Royal College of Psychiatrists

02.03.2016 / 20:12