Esse aspecto do ambiente em Out of the Abyss poderia causar esse efeito a uma pessoa dentro da área do feitiço Tiny Hut de Leomund?


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Poderia aspecto ambiental (UMA) causa efeito (B) para uma pessoa na área de Tiny Hut de Leomund?

(A): corrupted faerzress
(B): madness

por Ohar 16.08.2019 / 00:02

1 resposta

Provavelmente não

Escrevi esta resposta com spoilers, pois a pergunta original os incluía. Possíveis spoilers pequenos (trocadilhos) para Out of The Abyss.

A Tiny Hut de Leomund afirma que:

Spells and other magical effects can’t extend through the dome or be cast through it

Parece que A é mágico, ou pelo menos mágico.

Faerzress is described as being: "An unusual magical energy" (Out of the Abyss: Page 21) and that it "was in fact created by Elven High Magic" The Forgotten Realms Wiki.

Eu diria que ...

Depending on how the DM wants to rule it, they could say that the Faerzress was already in the perimeter of the Leomund's Tiny Hut when it was cast. This could mean that they would be affected by madness.

De outra forma:

if the faerzress was not already in the area that Leomund's Tiny Hut was cast, then it is likely that the tiny hut would not be penetrated by the faerzress, so the players would not suffer from madness

Esta pergunta perguntando A arma de sopro de um dragão pode passar pela pequena cabana de Leomund? também fornece uma resposta semelhante e um bom ponto para isso:

The Hut aims to provide a safe space to rest, where the players can't be attacked from the outside. This ruling makes no sense in that context, and is (in my opinion) just the result of a poorly-worded spell.

Permitir que A penetre na Tiny Hut de Leomund tornaria mais difícil para os jogadores encontrar lugares seguros para descansar.

16.08.2019 / 00:51