Half-Blood Prince chapter The Lightning-Struck Tower
“Very gratifying,” said Dumbledore mildly. “We all like appreciation for our own hard work, of course. But you must have had an
accomplice, all the same . . . someone in Hogsmeade, someone
who was able to slip Katie the — the — aaaah . . .”
Dumbledore closed his eyes again and nodded, as though he was
about to fall asleep. “. . . of course . . . Rosmerta. How long has she
been under the Imperius Curse?”
“Got there at last, have you?” Malfoy taunted...
...“So poor Rosmerta was forced to lurk
in her own bathroom and pass that necklace to any Hogwarts student who entered the room unaccompanied? And the poisoned
mead . . . well, naturally, Rosmerta was able to poison it for you
before she sent the bottle to Slughorn, believing that it was to be
my Christmas present. . . . Yes, very neat . . . very neat . . . Poor
Mr. Filch would not, of course, think to check a bottle of Rosmerta’s.
Não é estranho que durante essa conversa em particular com Draco , Dumbledore faria as perguntas, fornecesse as pistas, então dar as respostas a si mesmo?
Quase como se Dumbledore estivesse certo das respostas há muito tempo.
Todas as pistas que Dumbledore disse a Draco estavam disponíveis para Dumbledore da cena na Torre de Astronomia.
Após o envenenamento de Ron, Dumbledore já teve uma boa idéia de que Rosmerta está sob a Maldição Imperiosa?
Não é estranhamente conveniente que Dumbledore e Harry (sob o manto) caminharam até o Três Vassouras onde Dumbledore fez questão de cumprimentar Rosmerta e informá-la de sua
destino falso?
Half-blood prince chapter The Seer Overheard
...“But what will people think when they see you leaving, Professor?”
Harry asked, his mind on Malfoy and Snape.
“That I am off into Hogsmeade for a drink,” said Dumbledore
lightly. “I sometimes offer Rosmerta my custom, or else visit the
Hog’s Head . . . or I appear to. It is as good a way as any of disguising
one’s true destination.”
...“Good evening, Rosmerta, good evening . . . forgive me, I’m off
to the Hog’s Head. . . . No offense, but I feel like a quieter atmo-
sphere tonight. . . .”
Dumbledore queria que as pessoas no castelo o vissem saindo, o que explica andar em plena vista em direção a Hogsmeade.
Por que informar convenientemente a Rosmerta (e mais ninguém) qual é o seu destino falso?