O que há com os clanks no final dos créditos de Avengers: Endgame?


Depois de casualmente esperando através de todos os créditos finais de Vingadores: Fim do jogo no 3am, fui tratado com a visão de

nothing but the Marvel Studios logo.

No entanto, no fundo, ouvi o que parecia

six... clanks, for want of a better word. Sounds a bit like a hammer striking metal, or perhaps even a jewel of some sort striking what could conceivably be a gauntlet.

Talvez o ar condicionado do teatro estivesse tendo um momento, ou talvez seis horas de Avengers uma ação de conta dupla reduziu minha mente a uma pasta cremosa.

Mas, por acaso, isso é algo conhecível ou dedutível: quais eram esses sons?

por Paul D. Waite 25.04.2019 / 04:27

1 resposta

Eu me perguntei isso e acho que provavelmente está referenciando Tony criando o terno Mk I Iron Man lá atrás Homem de Ferro de 2008. Foi aí que tudo começou e é essencialmente onde tudo termina.

Especially for Tony.

Compare os sons aqui, ou pelo menos até o Endgame o vídeo é retirado.

Os irmãos Russo parecem confirmar que isso está correto em um entrevista com o USA Today.

There is a little something extra, though, as the final "Endgame" credits roll and that familiar Marvel Studios logo pops up onscreen: In the background, you can hear the clanging of Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) building his first Iron Man armor in the original movie.

Anthony Russo calls it "an echo of the past" rather than a tease to someone else wearing the iconic supersuit at a later date.

"It's really just an homage, sort of a little bookend," Joe Russo says. "It started it and it ends it.

Em uma nota relacionada na mesma entrevista, eles também dão suas razões para não incluir uma cena de créditos finais.

"It was never in the cards," director Joe Russo tells USA TODAY. "It was called 'Endgame' for a reason. This is it. This is the ending. The book is closed on that chapter of the Marvel universe and a new book will get written."

His brother, director Anthony Russo, adds it was a "great thrill" not having to steer the Marvel ship for where it goes next. "This was the first Marvel movie we've done where we weren't thinking about the future."

In addition to "Endgame," they directed "Captain America: The Winter Soldier," "Captain America: Civil War" and "Avengers: Infinity War," always having a "Where's this going?" mindset, Joe Russo says.

Now, "there's no future," Anthony Russo says. "There will be a future, of course, but it's not our responsibility."

25.04.2019 / 05:08