Benjen está morto?


Após os eventos de Game of Thrones temporada 8 episódio 3 "The Long Night", Benjen e (se não são a mesma pessoa) Coldhands morrem quando

Arya killed the Night King?

Eu não tenho noção dos livros e sou novo no programa de TV, então peço desculpas se isso for idiota.

por Seamusthedog 03.05.2019 / 11:07

1 resposta

Game of Thrones

Benjen é já morto no início da oitava temporada.

Benjen é Coldhands no show e como Coldhands ele estava em algum estado entre vivos e mortos.

Benjen: The Wall is not just ice and stone. Ancient spells were carved into its foundations. Strong magic to protect men from what lies beyond. And while it stands, the dead cannot pass. I cannot pass.

Game of Thrones, Season 6 Episode 10, "The Winds of Winter"

Note, porém, que ele não teria morrido quando o rei da noite fosse morto, se ele ainda estivesse vivo, porque ele foi criado sob a influência dos Filhos da Floresta não o rei da noite.

Benjen: I led a ranging party deep into the North to find White Walkers. They found us. A White Walker stabbed me in the gut with a sword of ice. Left me there to die. To turn. The Children found me. Stopped the Walker’s magic from taking hold.

Bran: How?

Benjen: The same way they made the Walkers in the first place. You saw it yourself.

Bran: Dragonglass. A shard of dragonglass plunged into your heart.

Game of Thrones, Season 6 Episode 6, "Blood of my Blood"

Mais tarde, em "Além do Muro", Benjen é morto por um grupo de criaturas para dar tempo a Jon de escapar.

Benioff: For Coldhands, it’s almost kind of a relief in some ways because he’s been trapped in this kind of purgatory state between life and death for quite some time and, like so many in the show, waiting to find out what his purpose is. Why is he still alive when he should be dead?

Game of Thrones, Season 7 Episode 6, "Beyond the Wall" - Inside the Episode

But did Benjen really meet his fate there? After all, when we thought the Night’s Watch ranger was dead earlier in the series, he returned to save Sam Tarly from a white walker. Could Thrones throw another deus ex Benjen at us in season eight?

Simple answer: no. Although Thrones co-creator David Benioff has already hinted that was the last of Benjen, director Alan Taylor, who helmed the episode seemed to confirm Benjen does indeed die in this scene.

Speaking on the DVD commentary during the sequence in episode Beyond The Wall, Taylor says “he meets his end here”, referring to Benjen.

Radio Times, It looks like this Game of Thrones character really is dead

Uma Canção de Gelo e Fogo

O destino de Benjen nos livros é desconhecido e enquanto O GRRM anteriormente se recusou a comentar se Benjen é Coldhands, em resposta ao seu editor para Uma dança com dragões ele aparentemente confirma que Benjen não é Coldhands, veja este post reddit para a fonte.

Comentários sobre o manuscrito ADWD, citados abaixo.

Editor: Is this Benjen? I think it's Benjen... :) And does Bran never recognise him because he never sees his face fully?


03.05.2019 / 11:18