Você está se referindo a Feena ArchwoodEu suspeito.
Feena was the daughter of Maleva. Her mother, knowing that Feena was a werewolf, sent her to mother Dhauna Myritar at Moonshadow Hall, a temple of Selûne in Yhaunn, Sembia. At the temple, she was trained to control her inner wolf and to become an acolyte. In her stay at the temple, she met Mifano, who was a novice and an acolyte with her, a young man with silvery hair who was extremely flirtatious. Velsinore, their elder sister and the priestess in charge of the acolyte dormitory, always gave Feena harder punishments, maybe for the fact that she was a werewolf. Their relationship was always distant but Feena felt a sort of respect towards Velsinore. This respect was for her great devotion and passion towards Selûne.
Nenhum de seus livros, Lobo preto or Senhora da noite foram por Salvatore, mas ambos têm um esquema de cores marrom e são definidos nos Reinos Esquecidos.
Encontrado através de uma pesquisa por sacerdotisa "ra salvatore", que chamou o nome de Salvatore como uma seção "Os leitores também gostaram" na revisão da Goodreads para Senhora da noite.