Alguém pode explicar essa piada do iCarly no episódio "Classy Christmas" do The Office


No escritório S07E11, "Natal elegante", Darryl diz:

My little girl Jada? It's my turn to have her for Christmas this year. Two years ago I had her, and we had the best time. I TiVoed her favorite shows, some things I've never heard of. iCarly You know who's funny on that show? The friend with the video camera. He's got a nice way of talking.

Eu não entendo essa piada. Craig Robinson tem uma conexão com iCarly?

por Ben Osborne 07.05.2019 / 15:05

1 resposta

Como sugerido em este fio Reddit, a parte divertida é a aleatoriedade de Darryl encontrar diversão em um show infantil, e especialmente o cara atrás a câmera.

Além disso, aqui está implícito que, desde que Freddie (o amigo com a câmera de vídeo) atingiu a puberdade durante o show, sua voz poderia ter sido divertida para Darryl.

Um pouco de informação de fundo da cena de uma conversa com Mindy Kaling lança um pouco mais de luz nessa cena:

I have a two-part question: a) are you or one of the other writers a fan of iCarly? and b) what made you choose Freddie (the friend with the camera) as the part Darryl would enjoy the most? Loved the random humor of that!

Thank God for the Dads on the show. I have not seen iCarly. That was a pitch of some brilliant Dad writer.
B.J. however pitched the unaired last line of that Darryl Talking Head, which got cut for time, which broke my heart. The line was supposed to go: "That kid with the video camera? He’s got a nice way of talking." (Then, dead serious) "The Suite Life I cannot do."

07.05.2019 / 15:45