Que filme americano foi mencionado em "The Dark Forest", de Cixin Liu?


In A floresta escurap. 298, o personagem de Cixin Liu, Rey Diaz, descreveu a troca de um morto.

Rey Diaz brought down his left hand and covered the cradle with his sleeve. "I was taught this wonderful idea not by an expert in nuclear strategy but by an American film. In it, a man has one of those gadgets that sends out a continuous signal, but if his heart stops beating, the signal is terminated. Another man has a bomb strapped to him that's impossible to remove, and if the bomb doesn't receive the signal, it'll explode. So even though this hapless fool doesn't like the first guy, he has to do everything he can to protect him. . . .I like watching American blockbusters."

A que filme americano se refere esta passagem?

por Triedro Invisível 07.06.2019 / 04:54

1 resposta

Isto pode ser Saw III, um sucesso de público americano lançado no 2006.

A parte relevante do resumo da trama da Wikipedia:

Dr. Lynn Denlon is abducted from the hospital where she works, and brought to the bedridden John Kramer. His apprentice, Amanda Young, locks a shotgun collar around Lynn's neck that is connected to John's heart rate monitor, and will detonate if John dies or Lynn moves out of range. She is instructed by Amanda to keep him alive until another victim has completed his game.

07.06.2019 / 07:54