Quantos dados são armazenados no gravador de dados de voo por hora em um voo típico de um A380?


Uma desvantagem ou impedimento para o armazenamento de dados do gravador de vôo na nuvem é a quantidade de dados que seriam transmitidos e a custo.

Quantos dados em GB ou TB são armazenados no gravador de dados de voo por hora em um voo típico de um A380?

por securitydude5 09.04.2019 / 12:21

1 resposta

Não tenho os números para o A380, mas tenho alguns para o Dreamliner. Em um voo típico, o Dreamliner registra cerca de meio terabyte de dados:

This level of operational insight will involve generating large amounts of data from each 787 aircraft, he explained. “We can get upwards of half a terabyte of data from a single flight from all of the different devices which are internet connected," Bulman said.


Dependendo da companhia aérea, esses dados são armazenados / processados ​​/ compactados / carregados no HQ.

O gravador de dados de voo ou "Black Box" armazena muito menos parâmetros, pois apenas o FAIX é exigido pelo FAA:

(1) Time; (2) Pressure altitude; (3) Indicated airspeed; (4) Heading--primary flight crew reference (if selectable, record discrete, true or magnetic); (5) Normal acceleration (Vertical); (6) Pitch attitude; (7) Roll attitude; (8) Manual radio transmitter keying, or CVR/DFDR synchronization reference; (9) Thrust/power of each engine--primary flight crew reference; (10) Autopilot engagement status; (11) Longitudinal acceleration; (12) Pitch control input; (13) Lateral control input; (14) Rudder pedal input; (15) Primary pitch control surface position; (16) Primary lateral control surface position; (17) Primary yaw control surface position; (18) Lateral acceleration; (19) Pitch trim surface position (20) Trailing edge flap or cockpit flap control selection (21) Leading edge flap or cockpit flap control selection (22) Each Thrust reverser position (or equivalent for propeller airplane); (23) Ground spoiler position or speed brake selection (24) Outside or total air temperature; (25) Automatic Flight Control System (AFCS) modes and engagement status, including autothrottle; (26) Radio altitude; (27) Localizer deviation, MLS Azimuth; (28) Glideslope deviation, MLS Elevation; (29) Marker beacon passage; (30) Master warning; (31) Air/ground sensor (primary airplane system reference nose or main gear); (32) Angle of attack ; (33) Hydraulic pressure low (each system); (34) Ground speed ; (35) Ground proximity warning system; (36) Landing gear position or landing gear cockpit control selection; (37) Drift angle (38) Wind speed and direction ; (39) Latitude and longitude (40) Stick shaker/pusher (41) Windshear
(42) Throttle/power lever position; (43) Additional engine parameters (44) Traffic alert and collision avoidance system; (45) DME 1 and 2 distances; (46) Nav 1 and 2 selected frequency; (47) Selected barometric setting
(48) Selected altitude ; (49) Selected speed (50) Selected mach (51) Selected vertical speed (52) Selected heading (53) Selected flight path (54) Selected decision height (55) EFIS display format; (56) Multi-function/engine/alerts display format; (57) Thrust command (58) Thrust target (59) Fuel quantity in CG trim tank (60) Primary Navigation System Reference; (61) Icing (62) Engine warning each engine vibration (63) Engine warning each engine over temp. (64) Engine warning each engine oil pressure low (65) Engine warning each engine over speed (66) Yaw trim surface position; (67) Roll trim surface position; (68) Brake pressure (selected system); (69) Brake pedal application (left and right); (70) Yaw of sideslip angle; (71) Engine bleed valve position
(72) De-icing or anti-icing system selection (73) Computed center of gravity
(74) AC electrical bus status; (75) DC electrical bus status; (76) APU bleed valve position (77) Hydraulic pressure (each system); (78) Loss of cabin pressure; (79) Computer failure; (80) Heads-up display (81) Para-visual display (82) Cockpit trim control input position-pitch; (83) Cockpit trim control input position--roll; (84) Cockpit trim control input position--yaw; (85) Trailing edge flap and cockpit flap control position; (86) Leading edge flap and cockpit flap control position; (87) Ground spoiler position and speed brake selection; and (88) All cockpit flight control input forces (control wheel, control column, rudder pedal)


Alguns aviões modernos, como o A330neo, armazenam até parâmetros 1200, facilitando o rastreamento do que causou um acidente.

É difícil fornecer números exatos, pois os dados de uma caixa preta são considerados altamente confidenciais.

10.04.2019 / 12:27