Reese foi para o inferno porque he sentiu que merecia.
Não é uma questão de bom ou ruim, mas culpa.
Como Lúcifer explicou a Reese ...
L: I have a story for you, reporter. One I've never told a human soul before. I take no part in who goes to Hell.
R: Then who does?
L: You humans. [CHUCKLES] You send yourselves. Driven down by your own guilt. Forcing yourselves to relive your sins over and over.
And the best part the doors aren't locked.You could leave anytime. It says something that no one ever does, doesn't it?
R: No. You're to blame.
L: I am responsible for a lot of things, Reese, but not your soul, not your actions, and not whoever killed that poor girl downstairs.
Essencialmente, Reese se sentiu culpado por tentar fazer Alvin matar Lúcifer, causando a morte acidental e não estando disposto a aceitar que seu casamento com Linda havia terminado.