Império temporal?


Lembro-me de que este era um romance da coleção de meu pai, e o livro estava mostrando sua idade em meados dos 1980s ou no início dos 1990s quando o li.

O tema geral envolvia uma guerra temporal; a realidade era análoga à superfície de um mar, incluindo ter 'ondas', onde se você passasse de pico em pico, não precisaria gastar energia extra para permanecer na realidade, mas se a área de tempo entre as ondas Como os picos eram a origem ou o destino de um trânsito, seria necessário gastar energia adicional constantemente para permanecer na realidade. O tempo entre os picos foi maior que o tempo de vida humano; acreditava-se que isso fosse o resultado da sabedoria de D'us, para que um homem não pudesse se encontrar.

Quanto mais perto da superfície do mar você estava, mais provável era sua existência; havia algum tipo de entidade maligna no fundo que gostava de devorar 'almas' para tentar se tornar mais real.

O império controlava sete ou oito "nós" (picos de onda) e lutava contra outro poder temporal que controlava apenas um único nó no futuro do império. Havia um computador artificialmente inteligente que era considerado louco; fez pronunciamentos enigmáticos ao fazer perguntas, embora, em retrospecto, depois que certos eventos acontecessem, os pronunciamentos fizessem sentido.

por Jeff Zeitlin 02.08.2019 / 17:15

1 resposta

Isto é A Queda de Chronopolis de Barrington J. Bayley.

Os impérios concorrentes são o Império cronostático e a hegemonia. A descrição do mar temporal e das ondas está no capítulo dois:

Time is composed of a wave structure. The nodes of the wave travel at intervals of approximately one hundred and seventy years and are of great interest to the time-traveller since they comprise “rest points” in the tensioning of the Chronotic energy field. This is of crucial importance in the business of time-travel, because matter can be transported from one node to another and will remain in place without any further expenditure of energy. On the other hand if matter is transported to a time between nodes, or conversely is taken from between nodes and is deposited somewhere else, it will not persist in its new location without a continuous expenditure of energy, usually accomplished by means of a device called an orthophase. This is the reason why nearly all Chronotic intercourse takes place from node to node. The seven nodes covered by the span of the empire form, as it were, the seven continents or provinces of the empire, while the intervening periods comprise a series of hinterlands, benevolently governed but rarely seeing a time-ship except in time of rebellion or by order of the Historical Office.

O computador enigmático é o Imperator:

For though the Imperator was a machine – admittedly much more advanced and mysterious than a common computer – it was also, in some indefinable way, alive.

More than that, it was in principle the true titular head of the empire. Emperor Philipium I – like any emperor before or after him – held his position by proxy, as it were. The rationale behind this system was quite clear: the Imperator contained the distillation of the minds of all the Chronotic emperors, of whom there had been five before Philipium, as well as of many other members of the imperial dynasty whose wisdom seemed to merit it, this distillation being accomplished by a transfusion from the memory centres of their brains after death.

Not that the Imperator was merely a receptacle of their dead intelligences; it was much more. No one quite knew what went on inside the Imperator, or what it did with these borrowed personalities. They never emerged, that was certain; the Imperator had a nature of its own.


The Imperator undertook no executive function. While it was consulted occasionally, the cryptic nature of its pronouncements rendered it more in the style of an oracle.

O mar a que você se refere é chamado Strat e a besta que espreita dentro dela é chamada Hulmu:

From that instant the universe of actuality was in danger. And that danger manifested almost immediately. During the early experiments there was an unfortunate accident whereby one of the assistants fell headlong into the temporal substratum. This man was Absol Humbart, later the Minion. He was caught by Hulmu, who realised that the weakening of orthogonal time offered him an opportunity to claw his way up and become real. But still it was not easy. In order to gain a foothold Hulmu needed first to acquire sufficient reality, in order to transfer himself to the surface.

For this Absol Humbart promised souls! If Hulmu could devour enough souls that had lived in orthogonal time, then he could erupt into our world and establish himself there, satisfying his enormous hunger to become real!

02.08.2019 / 18:18