Onde e o que é o Fim da Tempestade?


In Game of Thrones S08E04 Gendry foi nomeado o Senhor do Fim da Tempestade.

Onde é este lugar? Em Westeros? Na parte norte ou na parte sul?

Este lugar tem alguma história por trás disso? Acho que não vi esse lugar nos créditos de abertura ou no programa.

por StackOne 06.05.2019 / 19:10

2 respostas

O Fim da Tempestade é o lar ancestral dos Baratheon. No início de Game of Thrones, foi realizada por Renly Baratheon.

Storm's End fica na metade sul de Westeros, como mostra a imagem abaixo: Mapa de Westeros

Como uma nota, já vimos Storm's End antes. Este é o castelo que Davos contrabandeara Melisandre para o nascimento do bebê fumaça na temporada 2.

06.05.2019 / 19:21

Ainda não vimos o fim de Storm em Game of Thrones:

Unlike Dragonstone, which once belonged to the Targaryens before Robert Baratheon seated his brother Stannis on its stone throne, Storm’s End has so far gone unseen in Game of Thrones. Located in Shipbreaker Bay, to the south of King’s Landing and Blackwater Bay, Storm’s End has been the seat of Baratheon power ever since it was captured by Orys Baratheon, a commander in Aegon Targaryen’s army, which invaded Westeros hundreds of years before the events of Game of Thrones. It is an intimidating fortress, which held strong against a siege by House Tyrell during Robert’s Rebellion, which overthrew the Targaryens and put the Baratheons on the Iron Throne.

The last lord of Storm’s End was Renly Baratheon, who died all the way back in Game of Thrones Season 2, in the early days of the War of the Five Kings. Since then Storm’s End has been unoccupied by a Baratheon lord, its ownership uncertain after Stannis, the last of the Baratheons was killed attacking Winterfell.

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06.05.2019 / 19:19