Why does Sherlock (BBC) use miles?


I've just started watching the BBC series Sherlock on Netflix. In the first 5 episodes, we've noticed that Sherlock and Watson always refer to long distances in miles rather than kilometers. It was my understanding that, since they are in the U.K., distances would be measured in kilometers. Is there something I'm missing?

por BrettFromLA 21.07.2019 / 02:25

2 respostas

The UK’s usage of the metric system is a mixed bag. Here’s a somewhat brief overview:


Around the home

  • Clima is almost always discussed in Celsius
  • The sizes of rooms will be given in both pé quadrado e square metres
  • Computer and TV screens are given in diagonal polegadas
  • Standard sizes of furniture (for example, unidades de cozinha) are measured in milímetros.
  • Paper is A sizes (A4 being the most common), which are metric.
  • Beds (well, colchões) are measured in feet and inches, and given names, including single (3’ x 6’3”), small double (4’ x6’3”) and Superking (6’ x 6’6”).
  • People will mostly use pés e polegadas for their height. A few younger people may use centímetros.
  • Depending on age people will use pedra e libras or kg for their weight


  • When cooking people will use either gramas or onças, mostly depending on age
  • All food legally has to be sold in gramas or millilitres. Contudo...
    • leite will be sold by the cerveja(2) (1, 2, 4 and 6 pint bottles) - but be labelled with the respective amount in millilitres too.
    • Beer is purchased by the cerveja
    • Wine is purchased in 75cl (750ml) bottles
    • Some other miscellaneous products will be a weird number of gramas or millilitres - especially products in glass bottles, like vinagre.
    • Bife and burgers will be sold as a number of onças
  • Not exactly non-metric, but ovos are still sold by the half dozen or dúzia.


  • Terreno é medido em acres or hectares
  • Horse races are measured in furlongs
  • Horses themselves are measured in mãos
  • Tools (Allen keys, drill bits) will often come in both metric and imperial sizes - very frustrating!
  • Desk fans come in 6, 9, 12 and 16 polegada diameters normally.

  • (1) - a gallon in the U.K. is 4.546 litres
  • (2) - a pint in the U.K. is 20 fluid ounces, or 568ml.
21.07.2019 / 12:38

It's a little-known fact that the U.K. is actually one of the few - if not the only - place(s) in Europe that still uses miles to measure distance! The U.K. does use some metric, but it's a bit of a mix, and distance is one of the areas where they're still on the imperial system.

21.07.2019 / 03:05