Como ir de Reykjalið (Mývatn) a Askja sem carro?


Quais empresas de ônibus oferecem transporte de Reykjalið (Mývatn) para Askja? Ou talvez pedindo carona?

por Brilhante 17.06.2017 / 16:13

1 resposta

O Guia áspero Islândia (David Leffman, James Proctor) fornece esses detalhes.

Tours from Reykjalið

If you don't want to take the following tours, you'll need to hire a car or bicycle from Hótel Reynihlíð or make use of the eight-kilometre-long Reykjalið-Grjótagjá-Hverfell Dimmuborgir hiking trail. The following excursions run in summer only; either contact operators direct or book through Mývatn's Visitor Centre.

SBA buses ( runs return day trips from Akureyri round the lake and out to Krafla (9500kr), and an extended version out to Dettifoss in Jökulsárgljúfur National Park (10,500kr). It also operates three-day expeditions to ice caves and glacier traverses at Kverkfjöll and Vatnajökull (25,000kr; see Routes to Kverkfjöll).

The track south from Mývatn to the Interior at Askja is covered by bus with Mývatn Tours (464 1920,; 14,000kr); this is a lengthy day-trip, though you can arrange in advance to stay at huts along the way and be collected another day. Mývatn Adventures (464 4164,; 28,000kr) does the same thing in super-jeeps, and also heads right down to the fringes of the Vatnajökull ice cap at Lofthellier Ice Caves (June-Sept daily; 7700kr), frozen lava caverns discovered in 1989 (35,000kr).

For scenic flights, Mýflug Air (464 4400, out of Reykjalið can take you for a spin over Mývatn and Krafla, or out to Askja and Dettifoss, or out to Grimsey - trips last from twenty minutes to two hours and cost 10,000-39,500kr. Finally, you can arrange horseriding in the area through Hlið (464 4103).

23.06.2017 / 17:44