Como Woody não se lembra de antes de Andy?


In Toy Story 4, Woody comenta com Gabby que ele foi fabricado nos 50s da melhor maneira possível.

Se for esse o caso, ele é MUITO mais velho que Andy. Portanto, não há como Andy e Bonnie serem seus únicos filhos. Se ele fosse fabricado durante o dia de Andy quando criança, teria sido o final do 80 até o início do 90.

Existe alguma explicação dentro ou fora do universo para a falta de memória de Woody, antes de Andy?

por MissouriSpartan 05.07.2019 / 04:28

1 resposta

Eu odeio levar a conversa para um lugar escuro, mas não há como responder a isso sem entrar na trágica história contada a Mike Mozart por seu falecido amigo Joe Ranft, chefe de redação da Pixar e Toy Story, sobre a família de Andy. Mike Mozart contou a história ao apresentador do canal do YouTube SuperCarlinBrothers. A história completa pode ser encontrada em

It turns out the name "Andy" written underneath Woody's foot actually refers to Andy Sr., the father of the child Andy from the first three Toy Story films. It's revealed that Andy Sr., who doesn't appear in any of the films, contracted polio as a child, so all his belongings were burned for safety. However, he managed to save three toys, locking them away in a trunk: Woody, Mr. Potato Head and Slinky Dog. Andy Sr. lived to be an adult, marrying Molly and fathering their son Andy Jr.

As polio can be known to do, it struck again later in Andy Sr.'s life, forcing Andy and his family to move back to his parents' house, where he eventually passed away. Before he died, however, he managed to introduce his son to the trunk that contained his old toys. Sometime after the funeral, Andy Jr. opened up the trunk, finding Woody, Mr. Potato Head and Slinky.

Well, when Andy Jr. opened the trunk, the toys didn't actually realize this was a different Andy. They assumed Andy Jr. was the same boy that was forced to lock them away decades prior.

Confirming Mozart's account, the intro to the first Toy Story indicates Andy Jr. looks a lot like Andy Sr. did as a kid, as evident in pictures hanging on the wall that show a similar-looking child, wearing glasses. The film takes place shortly after the death of Andy Sr.

O vídeo SuperCarlinBros pode ser encontrado aqui.

05.07.2019 / 16:48