Qual é o título deste livro sobre alienígenas no fundo de uma mina?


Estou procurando o título de um livro que li há alguns anos. Usarei esta descrição do conteúdo do livro, que encontrei aqui :

The main character is called in to investigate a disturbance in a mine in South Africa; it was probably a diamond mine - very deep at any rate. The miners report seeing ghostly figures that rise up out of the floor once a day and then sink back down again. The miners are a superstitious bunch and refuse to work. The main character arrives on site and is able to witness the ghostly figures - they turn out to be aliens, not ghosts. Their planet is slightly smaller than Earth and occupies a different dimension - so that the aliens appear transparent and ghostly. Their planet used to share the same location in space as Earth and was therefore completely concealed - but something has happened to disrupt the orbit of the alien planet, making it slightly eccentric to the Earth's core - so every night, due to the non-aligned centres, the surface of their planet rises relative to the floor of the mine. The main character is able eventually to make contact with the aliens. For some reason he decides that he wants to transfer over to the other dimension. This is difficult but eventually they work out how to do it - only his consciousness can transfer and he must inhabit an alien form. Once there, he meets another alien who also claims to be a human consciousness. The main character has to pass a test that involves identifying what sort of alcoholic drinks should be served in which type of glass - something only an original human would know.

Eu tenho procurado este livro há bastante tempo e não consegui encontrá-lo no Google. Se bem me lembro, eu li uma versão em alemão.

por lrw 08.03.2017 / 14:33

1 resposta

A primeira parte da história é uma combinação perfeita para Uma Coroa de Estrelas de Bob Shaw , exceto que o personagem principal tem que fugir da vingança de um ditador e é transmutado e enviado para o mundo paralelo com sua Forma da Terra (que é estranha aos habitantes).

O único álcool na história é no final, quando os amigos da Terra do personagem principal conseguem transmutar uma garrafa de uísque e enviá-lo para ele com uma mensagem.

De uma revisão na página da Amazon:

A rogue planet, visible only with the aid of very high-tech light-enhancing glasses, is discovered heading towards the Sun. Scientists decide that it in fact resides in a parallel universe, and therefore should fly straight through the solar system without interaction. Instead, it swings around the sun and heads straight for Earth. If it weren't for the glasses, no one would have ever noticed it, but since the glasses are very common, its approach causes mass panic. The main character is a misanthropic aircraft mechanic working in the Middle East. Unaware of the planet's approach until the last second, he gets caught up in the panic, loses his passport, and winds up stuck in a small African country teaching English at a diamond mine. After three years, he is enlisted to help squelch reports of ghosts within the mine, but instead sees them and gives pictures to a reporter. A wealthy playboy astronomer deduces that the ghosts are inhabitants of a parallel (but smaller) Earth within ours, perturbed by the close passage of the rogue planet (which had swung around the sun in its universe, coincident with ours), and slowly being revealed. He arrives to investigate, and meets and impresses the obligatory fantastically beautiful female. The main character of course also meets her, and spends much of his time panting after her, consumed with jealousy. However, he also saves her from terrible danger, showing himself to be quite the James Bond type. In addition, he happens to have whatever it takes to communicate with the inhabitants of the parallel planet.

O destino pior do que a morte do qual o protagonista salva a garota é a luxúria do filho do ditador do país africano. Durante a briga, no entanto, o filho do ditador é humilhado ou morto - não me lembro - e o destino do personagem principal está selado. Eu me lembro do ponto em que o ditador olha sombriamente para o seu capanga e faz o gesto de abaixar uma sacola de celofane na cabeça - seu meio favorito de execução consiste em amarrar a vítima e sufocá-lo.

O ditador controla todos os aeroportos e transportes, mas o astrônomo amador construiu um dispositivo de transmutação que pode "girar" a matéria comum para o universo paralelo. Assim que as duas superfícies planetárias se alinham, o personagem principal é deslocado e faz sua fuga.

only his consciousness can transfer and he must inhabit an alien form. Once there, he meets another alien who also claims to be a human consciousness. The main character has to pass a test that involves identifying what sort of alcoholic drinks should be served in which type of glass - something only an original human would know.

Isso não combina, mas tenho certeza que li sobre isso em algum lugar. Vou checar ...

08.03.2017 / 17:15