No Jornada nas Estrelas episódio "O fator alternativo", 30 em março 1967, Foi revelada uma ameaça altamente não científica de destruir todo o nosso universo, além de um outro alternativo, a destruição em uma escala que faz a mera destruição em toda a galáxia parecer infinitesimal:
KIRK: What's going on? This leaping from universe to universe. This wild talk about a murdering creature who destroys civilisations What's the purpose?
SPOCK: Jim, madness has no purpose or reason, but it may have a goal. He must be stopped, held. Destroyed if necessary.
KIRK: I don't follow you.
SPOCK: Two parallel universes project this. One positive, the other negative. Or, more specifically, one matter, the other antimatter.
KIRK: Do you know what you're saying? Matter and antimatter have a tendency to cancel each other out. violently.
SPOCK: Precisely. Under certain conditions, when two identical particles of matter and antimatter meet.
KIRK: Like Lazarus. Identical. Like both Lazarus', only one is matter and the other antimatter. If they meet.
SPOCK: Annihilation, Jim. Total, complete, absolute annihilation.
KIRK: Of everything that exists, everywhere.
E quando Kirk encontra o são-Lázaro:
KIRK: Antimatter?
LAZARUS: Here, yes.
KIRK: And if identical particles meet
LAZARUS: The end of everything. Civilisation, existence, all gone. I tried to stop him, Captain. That's why I took your dilithium crystals.
É claro que "The Alternative Factor" foi ao ar no 1967, depois de Skylark DuQuesne (1965) e Os Reis da Estrela (1947) foram publicados.