Como posso lidar com duelos individuais de uma maneira satisfatória?


I'm running an anime style campaign using Savage Worlds: Super Powers Companion 2nd Edition.

I've mastered SW for a while, but I've never been able to handle one-on-one fights satisfyingly, as the Shaken results can make them completely one-sided, and they often take either too long without achieving anything interesting, or are too short (maneira too short) thanks to the exploding die mechanic.

My players want some anime-style scenes like "Fighting my rival on my own" and all that, so I'd love to know how to handle 1 vs 1 fights without breaking the system or using too much homebrew.

por Aldath Le'Carde 30.08.2014 / 19:09

3 respostas

Perhaps the Dramatic Task rules would do the trick. Possibly it could be modified as an opposed task where the first to reach five successes wins the duel.

31.08.2014 / 13:33

Both problems can be alleviated by making sure that both sides have enough Bennies. You can spend a Benny to immediately get out of Shaken (even when not on your turn or after you make a Spirit roll at the beginning of your turn to get out of Shaken). You can also spend a Benny to soak damage, limiting the effect of exploding dice.

Dito isto, Mundos Selvagens is designed for fast combat so if you're wanting battles that last for an extended period of time (some anime fights last for an almost absurd amount of screen time), you're going to have to dip into house rules. At one point I saw a melee duel subsystem floating around that was intended to simulate long lightsaber duels, but I can't seem to find it.

31.08.2014 / 04:15

with SWADE, the wound cap is great to keep down the 1 shot kills, adding a little bit more attrition to the game. in addition making sure your heroes take combat reflexes so they can shrug off shaken easier is always a good thing in a brawler...

19.09.2019 / 23:28