É Morphing Therapy para sua mente devastada pela guerra.
Isso é explicado dez páginas antes.
Tendo discutido anteriormente o uso de morfos para reabilitar as pessoas, e tendo acabado de ver Jake expor seu PTSD no julgamento, só fazia sentido para a equipe levar Jake para estar em seu metamorfose favorito - e eles tinham que fazer isso contra o seu vai, porque ele estava em uma mentalidade completamente diferente."I can't be sure, but I have this feeling Jake hasn't morphed since . . . since." "It gives you a different perspective," I said. "I mean, I've often wondered if allowing someone to morph to dolphin or falcon or whatever might not be a good way to let them put the little stuff in perspective." "Morph therapy? I think I feel another bestselling book coming on. Oh, man, Oprah would eat that up. And you know the Andalites are saying now they may make morphing technology more widely available on Earth."
Marco explicita a razão de estar lá na praia:
"I guess you guys think you're clever," I said, squeegeeing water out of my hair. "More like desperate," Marco said. "You've had your head up your butt for a long time, Jake. Which is your business. Unless it's our business. Like when you screw up testifying against Visser One."
Além disso, a aposta aparentemente funciona; pela primeira vez no livro, Jake está animado e feliz enquanto morre no golfinho:
Down and down, and up, up, up, into the sky! Again! Down and up, so fast, as fast as I could go. As high as I could fly. Again. Again. Again. The dolphin body was beginning to tire, but I didn't care. I wanted to be tired. I wanted to drain every last ounce of energy from the creature as I flew and splashed and flew again.