Fora do universo, o que faz o barulho TARDIS?


O barulho produzido pelo TARDIS em Doctor Who é o mesmo desde a sua primeira viagem de volta ao 1963:

No universo, é o chiado do rotor do tempo, possivelmente por causa do médico deixando o freio de mão. Mas o que torna esse efeito sonoro fora do universo? Seja o que for, está produzindo praticamente o mesmo som nos últimos anos do 50 +.

por Rand al'Thor 02.06.2016 / 19:56

1 resposta

Pelo menos originalmente, as teclas foram raspadas em um piano

De acordo com a pessoa quem fez isso:

On how the Tardis should sound, he said: "I don't know who thought of it, but we came up with the 'rending of the fabric of time and space'. I was in a cinema and in the interval I had a programme and I drew it - exactly how I wanted it to go together.

"I'd done a programme called The Survivors where we had to have the sound of a ship scraping on the rocks, and the piano sounds I'd used for that, very slowed down, seemed a good starting point.

Mr Hodgson used a device known as a ring modulator to create the sound of the Daleks

"I got my bunch of keys out, I got my mum's front door key and scraped that up the strings. We did that several times on the bass strings on an old Sunday school piano that had been taken apart. "So we took those and speeded them up, slowed them down and cut several of them together and started to add feedback to get that echoey sort of thing."

O som da decolagem especificamente:

"They came to listen to it and said they liked it, but there was something missing - why hadn't I put a rising note in it? "I said 'time machines don't go up, they go everywhere'. They said 'well we think it needs it'. So I put the rising note in it with loads of feedback and the Tardis was born.

O som da aterrissagem era o mesmo que o da decolagem, mas com um "estrondo" no final!

"Unfortunately, I'd spent so much time on the sound of it taking off, when we were asked for it to land I only had three days to sort that out. So I literally played it backwards, again with loads of feedback on it, and put a great big bang on the end of it."

02.06.2016 / 19:59