Como Kvothe fez isso?


Provavelmente a cena mais teatral de O medo do homem sábio é quando Kvothe

calls down the lightning in the bandits' camp.

Ele faz isso

placing an arrow in the ground in front of him and having Marten shoot a second arrow into the giant tree in the middle of the bandits' camp.


obviously this gave him a pretty good sympathetic link to the tree. But despite the stormy conditions, he was never able to manipulate electricity before this. And putting his own body heat into the tree would only set it on fire, if it did anything at all. And he certainly didn't know the name of lightning.

Então, como isso aconteceu? Perdi algo?

por PlutoThePlanet 28.03.2019 / 15:01

1 resposta

Ele fez um pára-raios através de Simpatia ... com alguma sorte

Kvothe claramente se prepara para usar a simpatia enquanto divide sua mente em seis partes antes de amarrar as flechas. Mais tarde, ele explica a natureza do vínculo, sem descartar um pouco de sorte.

The lightning? Well, the lightning is difficult to explain. A storm overhead. A galvanic binding with two similar arrows. An attempt to ground the tree more strongly than any lightning rod. Honestly, I don't know if I can take credit for the lightning striking when and where it did.

Rothfuss, Patrick. The Wise Man's Fear: The Kingkiller Chronicle: Day Two (p. 619). Penguin Group. Kindle Edition.

30.03.2019 / 21:36