How many people have been test subjects on the Sattelite of Love?


In Mystery Science Theater 3000, how many different people (characters) have been test subjects (forced to watch cheesy movies) on the Satellite of Love throughout the show?

por Robô do corvo T 12.07.2014 / 02:33

1 resposta

In order of appearance:

  1. Joel Robinson
    Test subject between the pilot (KTMA-00- The Green Slime) e S05E12- Mitchell.

    It Stinks!
    Joel Robinson as he appeared in S03E03- Pod People

  2. Crow T. Robot
    Test subject between KTMA-01- Invaders from the Deep e S10E13- Diabolik.
    Joel was alone in the theater during the pilot so he wasn't technically a test subject at that point, though he did appear in the episode, unlike Tom Servo.

    Crow T. Robot as he appeared during the Season 7 intro

  3. Tom Servo
    Test Subject between KTMA-02- Revenge of the Mysterons from Mars e S10E13- Diabolik.
    As mentioned above, Tom Servo didn't technically appear in the pilot episode, though a vaguely similar looking robot called "Beeper" did (in the host segments only):

    Beeper as seen in O Slime Verde

    Trace Beaulieu who voiced and operated Crow T. Robot during the first 8 series did not appear in Invaders from the Deep, and instead Josh Weinstein (who voiced and operated Tom Servo for the first 2 seasons) played Crow T. Robot and therefore Tom Servo was absent, first appearing as a test subject the next episode:

    No Servo
    Tom Servo, absent from a rare Invaders of the Deep clip

    Tom Servo
    Tom Servo as he appeared in the Season 7 intro

  4. Cigano
    Sort of. Gypsy joined Joel & The Bots in the theater for S04E12- Hercules And The Captive Women, though she got bored and left after 5 minutes:

    Maybe Gypsy is the captive woman
    Gypsy shown at the left of the theater during Hercules And The Captive Women

    She was also shown in the theatre during the KTMA season intro, though never during the episodes:

    Old Gypsy
    The original design for Gypsy shown in the theatre during the KTMA opening

  5. Timmy
    In S04E16- Fire Maidens of Outer Space, Joel & The Bots are visisted by a strange creature apparently from Crow's imagination, it's an exact copy but black, and eventually he begins playing tricks on everyone. Several times he shows up in the theater to watch the movie and annoy the gang:

    He doesn't have a beard
    Timmy in Fire Maidens of Outer Space

  6. Mike Nelson
    Test subject between S05E13- The Brain That Wouldn't Die e S10E13- Diabolik.

    Their experiments needed a good test case
    Mike as he appeared in the season 5 intro

  7. Mirror Universe Clayton Forrester

  8. Mirror Universe TV's Frank
    In S06E11- Last of the Wild Horses, the Mads perform a matter transfer experiment which winds up with Mike & The Bots in a Mirror Universe, where Captain Mike and Yeoman Crow are forcing Clayton Forrester and TV's Frank to watch bad movies, and the first third of the episode features them riffing the movie:

    Last of the wild horses
    Clayton Forrester and TV's Frank watching Last of the Wild Horses

  9. Eddie Nelson
    In S08E21- Time Chasers, to fit in with the storyline of the movie, Crow goes back in time and tries to warn Mike not to take the job at Deep 13 which will lead to him getting marooned in space. Upon his return, Crow discovers that all that's changed is now instead of Mike Nelson, they've got his foul-mouthed, beer-swilling asshole brother, Eddie Nelson who riffs the middle third of the film:

    You can't smoke in here!
    Eddie Nelson in Time Chasers

  10. Pearl Forrester
    The final test subject was Pearl Forrester, in S09E13- Quest of the Delta Knights she's disappointed that she's been showing Mike terrible movies for 2 years with no real results, so they switch places and Pearl watches the first third of the movie with them to try and work out how best to torment him in the future:

    Este filme sugado
    Pearl Forrester in Quest of the Delta Knights

So all together, there were 10 different test subjects. There were also a couple of visitors to the theater who didn't actually Assistir any part of the movie:

  1. Fred "Eggs" Eggleston
    After Pearl has finished her investigation of the theater, she brings in "Eggs" from Facilitech to fix the Pain Leakage which has stopped Mike & The Bots from experiencing the Deep Hurting Pearl desires from these movies:

    Please call him eggs
    Fred "Eggs" Eggleston in Quest of the Delta Knights

  2. Giant Servo
    No final de S10E04- Future War, Mike starts making some shadow-puppets, and out of the blue a giant Servo shadow appears, which is turns out isn't being cast by Mike or Servo:

    Giant Tom Servo in Future War

12.07.2014 / 02:33