Quais são as barras salientes deste C-130?


This C-130 was photographed on approach to Ellington Field (EFD), Texas.

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What are the protruding, truss-supported bars aft of and below the wing?

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There's an airshow coming up in ~3 weeks at EFD, so it may have something to do with that, especially considering the fancy underwing paint job.

por Mármore orgânico 30.09.2019 / 22:14

1 resposta

It is a civilian owned C-130 Hercules used for aerial spraying operations. It is owned by the International Air Response company based out of Mesa, AZ.

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The aircraft is equipped with a RIDSS spray system for use in things like oil spill response (for spraying dispersants). You can read more about the system here.

30.09.2019 / 23:12