What spacecraft that fell to Earth spent a night in Jail?


Comments below this question on Space.SE link para o artigo Government report on 'space balls' released.

Most of the article is about Kosmos 482 but the end mentions another spacecraft fuel tank that also was recovered.

John Lindores found a space ball on his property on April 3. The ball is on permanent loan to the Ashburton Aviation Museum.

"We thought it was an April Fool's joke to start with. The police came and took it away. It caused quite a stir at the time. They treated it with great care because they were afraid it was radioactive. They took it to Ashburton jail and locked it up for the night."

The story of the fallen space object spending a night in the local jail reminds me of some old movie. I thought it might be the original 1971 The Andromeda Strain film, but it seems that in that case the spacecraft landed in the middle of the town and people "were cut down in mid-stride" (Youtube).

Still, I remember something about a recovered spacecraft first being taken to a jail(?), perhaps in the back of a pickup truck, in an old (1950 to 1980) film that ultimately causes a big problem (harm to people). However, I just can't place it.

por uh 28.02.2019 / 16:31

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