O Aviationist tem um artigo inteiro sobre isso: Hidrazina: um risco significativo cada vez que um F-16 trava (ou aciona a unidade de energia de emergência). Diz:
the impact site of a crashed F-16 can be extremely dangerous and one
of the main hazards is Hydrazine [...] When activated, the unit
provides emergency power for the aircraft’s systems in the case of an
electrical failure: in case of flame-out, emergency power generated by
the EPU is designed to give pilots the time they need to land the
aircraft safely. And, the EPU is fired up by Hydrazine.
E (ênfase no original):
the toxicity of H-70 is such that special procedures must be used to
manage crashes as well as in-flight emergencies that involved the EPU
or hydrazine leaks.
A coisa toda é longa demais para citar, mas a equipe de resposta a emergências certamente toma algumas ações muito específicas para lidar com a hidrazina. Eles isolam a aeronave, dão à tripulação máscaras respiratórias para afastá-las, verificam se há vazamentos e depois limpam, se necessário:
As soon as the first assessment has been completed, the first team is
replaced by a “response team hydrazine” composed by 2 Italian and 1
American operator, equipped with special overalls (Level A, since risk
of contact with the liquid is higher), that clear the leak along the
track followed by the aircraft from the runway to the parking area.