Livro sobre IA que são mais poderosas quanto mais tempo elas operam


Tentando lembrar o nome de um livro que li no final do 90. Eu acho que era realmente uma de uma série, mas nunca li mais do que isso.

Um dos principais elementos do livro é que uma IA se tornou mais poderosa quanto mais tempo estava operando, porque poderia enviar problemas de volta ao tempo em que foi ligada e usar esse tempo para resolver o problema.

Isso foi fundamental para o livro porque os heróis estavam tentando encontrar um "trono" e um "manto". O trono era na verdade uma IA que estava em funcionamento por 100s (talvez 1000s) há anos e o manto era um dispositivo de entrada neural.

Editar para adicionar: Havia esferas / orbes associados ao trono (situado acima dele, eu acho) que abrigavam as unidades de computação reais para a IA.

Lembro-me de mais um elemento, mas não tenho a certeza do 100% se foi este livro ou se estou misturando as coisas. Mas acho que o livro também tinha a ideia de que a física não era constante em todo o universo. Portanto, uma nave teria várias unidades conectadas que funcionariam em vários domínios da física.

por mhhollomon 05.04.2019 / 01:58

2 respostas


StarShield: Sentinel

A IA executado em Processador de dobra temporal que pode enviar problemas de volta no tempo para resolver. Os TFPs funcionam usando um buraco negro quântico

O manto é The Mantle of Kendis-dai- também um título alternativo para o livro.

The only hope to stem the tide of rebellion was an ancient artifact: the Mantle of Kendis-dai.

os orbes - Não encontrei texto sobre eles, mas você pode vê-los na capa.

física variável - De acordo com Artigo da Wikipedia:

The backstory of Starshield involved the concept of "quantum weather", which posits that the physical laws of the Starshield universe are not universal, and can change in certain locations and conditions. In the Starshield universe, there exists a multitude of different regions with loosely fixed borders where the physical laws are completely different.

Outras questões relevantes aqui, aqui, aqui

Encontrado por vasculhando listas de livros de ficção científica publicados nos 90 e tropeçando na frase física variável. Foi o segundo link nessa pesquisa.

13.04.2019 / 13:52

Isso soa como Um Fogo Sobre as Profundezas por Vernor Vinge, o primeiro de seus Zonas de pensamento romances. As "zonas" titulares são as diferentes regiões onde as leis da física diferem. Existem inteligências artificiais (e talvez naturais) que crescem rapidamente no poder, tão rapidamente que evoluem para algo completamente diferente em um espaço de tempo razoavelmente curto.

Por Wikipedia:

The novel is set in various locations in the Milky Way. The galaxy is divided into four concentric volumes called the "Zones of Thought"; it is not clear to the novel's characters whether this is a natural phenomenon or an artificially-produced one, but it seems to roughly correspond with galactic-scale stellar density and a Beyond region is mentioned in the Sculptor Galaxy as well. The Zones reflect fundamental differences in basic physical laws, and one of the main consequences is their effect on intelligence, both biological and artificial. Artificial intelligence and automation is most directly affected, in that advanced hardware and software from the Beyond or the Transcend will work less and less well as a ship "descends" towards the Unthinking Depths. But even biological intelligence is affected to a lesser degree.

E o resumo da trama:

An expedition from Straumli Realm, an ambitious young human civilization in the high Beyond, investigates a five-billion-year-old data archive in the low Transcend that offers the possibility of unimaginable riches. The expedition's facility, High Lab, is gradually compromised by a dormant superintelligence within the archive later known as the Blight. However, shortly before the Blight's final "flowering", two self-aware entities created similarly to the Blight plot to aid the humans before the Blight can escape.

Recognizing the danger of what they have awakened, the researchers at High Lab attempt to flee in two ships, one carrying all the adults and the second carrying all the children in "coldsleep boxes". Suspicious, the Blight discovers that the first ship contains a data storage device in its cargo manifest; assuming it contains information that could harm it, the Blight destroys the ship. The second ship escapes. The Blight assumes that it is no threat, but later realizes that it is actually carrying away a "countermeasure" against it.

The ship lands on a distant planet with a medieval-level civilization of dog-like creatures, dubbed "Tines", who live in packs as group minds. Upon landing, however, the two surviving adults are ambushed and killed by Tine fanatics known as Flenserists, in whose realm they have landed. The Flenserists capture a young boy named Jefri Olsndot and his wounded sister, Johanna. While Jefri is taken deeper into Flenserist territory, Johanna is rescued by Tine pilgrims who witnessed the ambush and deliver her to a neighboring kingdom ruled by a Tine named Woodcarver. The Flenserists tell Jefri that Johanna had been killed by Woodcarver and exploit him in order to develop advanced technology (such as cannon and radio communication), while Johanna and the knowledge stored in her "dataset" device help Woodcarver rapidly develop in turn.

A distress signal from the sleeper ship eventually reaches "Relay", a major node in the galactic communications network. A benign transcendent entity named "Old One" contacts Relay, seeking information about the Blight and the humans who released it, and reconstitutes a human man named Pham Nuwen from an old wreck to act as its agent, using his doubt of his own memory's veracity to bend him to the Old One's will. Ravna Bergsndot, the only human Relay employee, traces the sleeper ship's signal to the Tines world and persuades her employer to investigate what the human ship took from High Lab, contracting the merchant vessel Out of Band II, owned by two sentient plant Skroderiders, Blueshell and Greenstalk, to transport them.

Before the mission is launched, the Blight attacks Relay and concurrently kills Old One. As Old One dies, it downloads what information it can into Pham to defeat the Blight, and Pham, Ravna and the Skroderiders barely escape Relay's destruction in the Out of Band II.

The Blight expands, taking over races and "rewriting" their people to become its agents, murdering several other Powers, and seizing other archives in the Beyond, looking for what was taken. It finally realizes where the danger truly lies and sends a hastily assembled fleet in pursuit of the Out of Band II.

05.04.2019 / 03:33