Livro sobre um planeta moribundo que proibia o casamento entre as raças 3 que vivem no planeta


Procurando um título de livro sobre um planeta moribundo que proibia o casamento entre as raças 3, eles descobriram que o casamento intermediário produzia uma nova raça de engenheiros que estavam faltando e poderia resolver seus problemas.

por Tony Wright 10.03.2019 / 09:12

1 resposta

Os próprios deuses (1972) por Asimov? Foi a resposta para Romance de 1970s, mundo planetário com espécies de gênero 3, proibição de procriação entre espécies, uma pergunta muito semelhante que foi feita ontem:

Prohibited inter-species procreation - eventually allowed, producing 4th gender. Two of the three genders are bureaucrats, thinkers/builders.

A partir de Wikipedia:

The main plot-line is a project by those who inhabit a parallel universe (the para-Universe) with different physical laws from this one. By exchanging matter from their universe—para-Universe—with our universe, they seek to exploit the differences in physical laws. The exchange of matter provides an alternative source of energy to maintain their universe. However, the exchange will likely result in the collapse of the Earth's Sun into a supernova, and possibly even turning a large part of the Milky Way into a quasar. There is hope among those in the para-Universe that the energy explosion does happen in our universe.

Sobre as três raças:

The inhabitants are divided into dominant "hard ones" and subject "soft ones". The latter have three sexes with fixed roles for each sex:

  • Rationals (or "lefts") are the logical and scientific sex; identified with masculine pronouns and producing a form of sperm. They have limited ability to pass through other bodies.

  • Emotionals (or "mids") are the intuitive sex; identified with the feminine pronouns and provide the energy needed for reproduction. Emotionals can pass freely in and out of solid material, including rock.

  • Parentals (or "rights") bear and raise the offspring, and are identified with masculine pronouns. Parentals have almost no ability to blend their bodies with others, except when helped by one or both of the other sexes.

Mais tarde, é descrito que a união desses grupos separados leva a um "cientista", que poderia ser seu engenheiro:

Odeen convinces Dua that the hard one they will become will have influence with the others to stop the Pump; but as their final metamorphosis (the true meaning of "passing on") begins, Dua realizes (too late to prevent irreversible union) that her own triad's "hard" form is the scientist Estwald.

Estwald é o homem por trás da Pump, que permite a transferência de matéria entre universos. (Embora seja realmente mais o problema do que a solução)

10.03.2019 / 10:18