Episódio de Star Trek em que Chakotay e Janeway discutem a classificação de Maquis não sendo honrada


Há um episódio de Star Trek: Voyager em que Chakotay e Janeway estão discutindo um fluxo de dados que receberam, onde a classificação dada ao marquês não estava sendo honrada ou estava sendo questionada pelo Comando da Frota Estelar.

Alguém se lembra de qual episódio foi esse? Chakotay e Janeway estavam na ponte em seus respectivos lugares e conversando sobre isso.

Chakotay disse algo como "isso te surpreende" ou algo nesse sentido. Não me lembro do episódio. Alguém por favor me ajude!

por Navegador 19.04.2017 / 21:09

1 resposta

Soa como Linha de vida

(Doorbell.) JANEWAY: Come in.

CHAKOTAY: Good morning. Problem?

JANEWAY: I haven't decided. I've just listened to a communiqué from Admiral Hayes.

CHAKOTAY: Nice to have friends in high places.

ADMIRAL HAYES [on monitor]: Hello, Captain. I hope this message finds you well. From what I understand, it has not been easy, but I want you to know that a lot of people here are very proud of what you've accomplished. I also want to assure you that we have not given up finding a way to get you home. We've redirected two deep space vessels toward your position. If all goes well, they could rendezvous with you in the next five to six years.

JANEWAY: Computer, advance to time index one twenty one point four.

ADMIRAL HAYES [on monitor]: As we get closer and our conversations become more frequent. When you respond to this message, please let us know of any casualties. I'm sure you've had more than your share. I'm anxious to know the status of your crew, the Maquis, first contacts that you've made, interactions with the Borg. But there'll be time for everything. Our thoughts are with you. Talk to you soon.


JANEWAY: Status of the Maquis.

CHAKOTAY: Do you find that surprising?

JANEWAY: I don't think of you or B'Elanna or the others as Maquis. I think of you as part of my crew.

CHAKOTAY: You may have forgotten, but we haven't. You heard the Admiral. It'll be years before we have to deal with those issues. Let's worry about it then.

JANEWAY: Do you have lunch plans?

CHAKOTAY: Is that an invitation?

JANEWAY: I was hoping you'd help me compose a response.

CHAKOTAY: You're on.

Independentemente de esta ser a resposta correta, se você deseja encontrar um episódio com base em uma citação, tente http://www.chakoteya.net/StarTrek/index.html, que possui transcrições de episódios.

19.04.2017 / 21:21