Como posso adicionar o descritor [que afeta a mente] a um feitiço / poder que ainda não o possui?


I have a character in a 3.PF game (using Pathfinder's core rule set, but allowing classes, feats, and other materials from both D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder) with a very high optimization target (pushing the limits of things that should only be in TO, but still excluding extremes such as Pun-Pun and the Omnificer). I'm trying to complete a chain of effect interactions that will get me a substantial (but still finite, so no Pun-Punning here) Intelligence boost, and the only remaining link in the chain is that I have a non-mind-affecting psionic power of the psychometabolism discipline, and the trick only works with a mind-affecting power, so I need a way to apply the [mind-affecting] descriptor to a power that doesn't already have it, similarly to how the Locate City Bomb uses Snowcasting to add the [cold] descriptor.

We're using a highly inclusive version of vancian/psionic transparency, so most things that would work to add the descriptor to a spell should also work here, though Metamagic Feats don't work so well if they don't have psionic versions. I'm using Dreamscarred Press's psionics system, with levels of DSP psion as the source of my manifesting ability, but effects from 3.5 WotC psionics should also work via the terms of the 3.PF mashup. The game is supergestalt (like regular gestalt, but with 10 "tracks" instead of 2), so a lot of resources are available, possibly allowing things that wouldn't work in a regular game, but I'd still prefer less-expensive methods over more-expensive ones, as the character is intended to actually be played, and in a very demanding meta, so needs to mostly focus on being a functional character who puts the high INT bonus to good use, not just putting the entire character's worth of build resources into completing the combo for its own sake.

por Matthew Najmon 30.04.2019 / 15:55

1 resposta

There is a line in the PF Bestiary, under the Medo special ability, that all fear effects are mind-affecting effects. (Additionally, every source of fear I can find in either ruleset is called out as a mind-affecting effect, for added support.)

There is a prestige class in Heroes of Horror for 3.5 called the Bruxa Medonho, which at 3rd level gets Fearful Empowerment, a 1/day ability to add the [fear] descriptor to any spell that has at least alguns kind of visual effect or manifestation.

It's stretching RAW to the breaking point, but the case could therefore be made that adding the [fear] descriptor would add the [mind-affecting] descriptor as well, and so the Dread Witch can do so once (or twice, at level 5) per day.

30.04.2019 / 17:20