Além do C-130, existem outras aeronaves que são capazes de realizar quedas no LAPES?


A C-130 é bem conhecida por sua capacidade de realizar uma Queda de LAPES (extração de pára-quedas em baixa altitude) entregar veículos a uma cabeça de ar.

Gostaria de saber se outras aeronaves militares de transporte aéreo maiores também são capazes de realizar essa manobra, em particular o C-17 ou (improvável) o C-5?

por Davidw 28.09.2019 / 05:03

1 resposta

Apenas o C-130. O C-17 foi pretendia ter essa capacidade, mas foi decidido contra.

Isso é de acordo com um Relatório 1995 às comissões do Congresso (; PDF):

C-17's Intended Role Has Changed

(...) the C-17's unique 60,000 pound low-altitude parachute extraction system (LAPES) capability is not needed, and the aircraft cannot meet original airdrop requirements.

Unique C-17 LAPES Capability No Longer Required

LAPES is a means of extracting equipment while an airlifter flies at low levels. At present, the C-130 is the only aircraft capable of LAPES operations, and it is limited to extracting 42,000 pounds of equipment. In 1981, the Army identified an "urgent need" to develop a LAPES capability up to 60,000 pounds. According to Army officials, this capability was needed to extract armored artillery pieces, ammunition, and towing vehicles from the same LAPES platform, which would minimize dispersion over the drop zone. The C-17 was intended to provide this unique capability. In March 1994, the Army acknowledged that " LAPES has been an expensive, unused, untrained capability and is potentially of limited battlefield use." The Army stated that the current C-130 42,000-pound LAPES capability "appears to more than adequately address foreseeable Army requirements." The Army intends neither to maintain the material systems and rigging required for the 60,000-pound LAPES platform nor to conduct C-17 LAPES training. Thus, the C-17 will not be used for this mission. However, AMC officials noted that testing of a 42,000-pound C-17 LAPES capability is currently underway.

Embora o relatório seja do 1995, é o único oficial menção do assunto que pude encontrar. Provavelmente é por isso que você também não encontrou vídeos. O C-17 faz o pára-quedas de equipamentos embora de altitudes superiores a LAPES.

30.09.2019 / 03:39