Anos 50 ou 60, muito curta história sobre um filme pornô de comida


Procurando uma história curta que li em uma antologia ou revista SF no final dos anos 50 ou 60. Poderia ter sido mais velho, é claro. Foi em inglês.

Esta história muito curta era sobre um homem que entra furtivamente em uma sala de cinema para assistir a um filme obsceno. A reviravolta foi que, em vez de sexo, o filme era sobre comida. O protagonista está vivendo em uma sociedade onde as imagens alimentares são desencorajadas, não me lembro se é por causa de tabus ou escassez de alimentos. Não havia alienígenas na história, apenas humanos. A pessoa no teatro não estava sozinha, não com um grupo. Em algum momento, o homem está infeliz porque não consegue sentir o cheiro do filme, então o módulo olfativo começa a funcionar e ele está feliz.

Como eu disse, essa é uma história muito curta, portanto não há muito mais para descrever. Qualquer ajuda seria apreciada.

por John Thompson 12.08.2017 / 01:38

2 respostas

"Baba", um conto (páginas 3) de Vance Aandahl, publicado em A Revista de Fantasia e Ficção Científica, Fevereiro 1969, disponível no Internet Archive. Aparentemente, nunca foi reimpresso em inglês, embora uma tradução italiana intitulada "Acquolina" tenha aparecido em Urânia #531, 1970.

When Tantalus looked at the screen, he was struck by the age of the film. The color was bad, and the depth looked unreal on the right half of the image. Worse, either there was no odor track or else the projector wasn't picking it up.

Finding quality pornography had gotten much harder since the passage of the new anti-smut law. Tantalus uttered a silent curse, then leaned forward to gaze deeply into the screen.

Almost immediately he felt excitement thrilling through his guts.

It was a filet mignon.

[. . . .]

Suddenly the odor track snapped on. The tiny room was permeated by an irresistible aroma of steak.

14.11.2017 / 10:57

Isso soa como parte de Kurt Vonegurt Jr's Breakfast of Champions. Tem a cena exata que você descreve. É um romance, embora possa ser facilmente lembrado como uma série de histórias curtas, porque normalmente é desconectado.

Aqui está o trecho da primeira vez que é mencionado. Eu acredito que ele volta ao romance uma ou duas vezes, mas não consigo encontrar onde. O texto completo do romance é disponível online.

The movie theater where Trout sat with all his parcels in his lap showed nothing but dirty movies. The music was soothing. Phantasms of a young man and a young woman sucked harmlessly on one another's soft apertures on the silver screen. And Trout made up a new novel while he sat there. It was about an Earthling astronaut who arrived on a planet where all the animal and plant life had been killed by pollution, except for humanoids. The humanoids ate food made from petroleum and coal.

They gave a feast for the astronaut, whose name was Don. The food was terrible. The big topic of conversation was censorship. The cities were blighted with motion picture theaters which showed nothing but dirty movies. The humanoids wished they could put them out of business somehow, but without interfering with free speech. They asked Don if dirty movies were a problem on Earth, too, and Don said, "Yes." They asked him if the movies were really dirty, and Don replied, "As dirty as movies could get." This was a challenge to the humanoids, who were sure then: dirty movies could beat anything on Earth. So everybody piled into air-cushion vehicles, and they floated to a dirty movie house downtown.

It was intermission time when they got there, so Don had some time to think about what could possibly be dirtier than what he had already seen on Earth. He became sexually excited even before the house lights went down. The women in his party were all twittery and squirmy.

So the theater went dark and the curtains opened. At first there wasn't any picture. There were slurps and moans from loudspeakers. Then the picture itself appeared. It was a high quality film of a male humanoid eating what looked like a pear. The camera zoomed in on his lips and tongue and teeth, which glistened with saliva. He took his time about eating the pear. When the last of it had disappeared into his slurpy mouth, the camera focussed on his Adam's apple. His Adam's apple bobbed obscenely

12.08.2017 / 15:59