Como a esposa de Turgon, Elenwë, morreu?


Ela se casou com Turgon e teve um filho Idril. Depois do casamento de Alqualonde, ela foi com ele e o resto do exército de Fingolfin atravessando o Grind Ice, mas em algum lugar ao longo do caminho em que morreu.

Como Elenwe morreu?

por Fingolfin 29.12.2015 / 14:42

1 resposta

Claro, mas ela provavelmente morre de frio ou de exposição durante a jornada amarga e perigosa.

A partir de O Silmarillion, Quenta Silmarillion, "Do Vôo dos Noldor":

The fire of their hearts was young, and led by Fingolfin and his sons, and by Finrod and Galadriel, they dared to pass into the bitterest North; and finding no other way they endured at last the terror of the Helcaraxë and the cruel hills of ice. Few of the deeds of the Noldor thereafter surpassed that desperate crossing in hardihood or woe. There Elenwë the wife of Turgon was lost, and many others perished also; and it was with a lessened host that Fingolfin set foot at last upon the Outer Lands.

A partir de O Silmarillion, Quenta Silmarillion, "De Maeglin":

All these things he laid to heart, but most of all that which he heard of Turgon, and that he had no heir; for Elenwë his wife perished in the crossing of the Helcaraxë, and his daughter Idril Celebrindal was his only child.

Essas parecem ser as únicas menções à morte de Elenwe, e a questão não é levantada novamente nas Cartas de Tolkien ou em outro lugar.

29.12.2015 / 14:53