Todas as reviravoltas de Game of Thrones da 3 foram reveladas?


In este artigo da TIME foi mencionado que George RR Martin compartilhou grandes reviravoltas 3 com o Game of Thrones showrunners:

Showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss recently told Entertainment Weekly that during a 2013 meeting with Martin, they learned about “three holy sh— moments” the Song of Ice and Fire author intended to include in his series — two of which have already happened.

The first took place in the ninth episode of season five, when Stannis agreed to allow Melisandre to burn his daughter Shireen. The second was, of course, the revelation in Sunday’s episode that Bran Stark was the cause of both Hodor’s condition and death. And the third? Well, the third, “is from the very end,” Benioff told EW.

Em S08E03, "A Longa Noite", o rei da Noite é morto. Isso significa que todas as reviravoltas do 3 foram reveladas? Sabemos se a morte do rei da noite foi a última das reviravoltas do 3?

por Kesavan Maharajan 06.05.2019 / 12:33

1 resposta


Existem várias razões pelas quais a morte do Rei da Noite não é o terceiro momento sagrado, e elas são bem resumidas em este post Reddit:

The very end, you say? I think it’s clear that the final moments of Episode 3, Arya delivering the killing blow to the Night’s King, isn’t the third holy shit moment GRRM revealed to the showrunners. It’s clearly shocking (also controversial), but it doesnt fulfill the criteria. Why?

The Night’s King, as a character, does not have a direct equivalent in the books. He is a show-creation.

Yesterday after the episode aired, the showrunners revealed that they decided to have Arya kill the Night’s King about three years ago. It seems like this was completely a choice of their own volition, but if you want to see more check out this post by /u/Fat_Walda

Benioff and Weiss had no qualms about revealing that the other two “holy shit” moments were from GRRM, so why would they play coy with the third if it was Arya killing the Night’s King?

Portanto, é muito provável que a terceira reviravolta ainda esteja por vir.

06.05.2019 / 15:02