Novela 80s (ou anterior): sociedade subterrânea, duas crianças encontram um caminho para a sociedade da cúpula superior


Não consigo lembrar o nome, mas é um romance que li nos 80s, no qual dois garotos de uma sociedade subterrânea passam por um mecanismo antigo que os transfere para a sociedade abobadada acima do solo.

por Burton Broadstone 08.09.2014 / 22:56

2 respostas

Poderia ser Cidade Subterrânea (1964) de Suzanne Martel? São cerca de duas crianças, e mais tarde uma terceira que consegue sair da sociedade humana pós-nuclear e tecnologicamente avançada de volta à Terra.

Capa de livro, cidade subterrânea cheia de canos

A community, known as Surreal, has developed from a small band of survivors who retreated at the time of the Great Destruction, In the following centuries a civilization which is technologically, intellectually, and socially extremely advanced has been developed. Despite the widespread belief that Surreal is the only remaining society, it suddenly develops that there is another, apparently hostile, group of people which is draining off the city's all-important electricity. Meanwhile a 12-year-old boy, Luke P 9 becomes so curious about the outer world that he overcomes his fears of the poisonous gases on earth, against which the citizens of Surreal are continually warned.

16.03.2016 / 18:50

Foi um romance destinado a jovens adultos? Poderia ser "This Time of Darkness", de HM Hoover?

A partir de Goodreads:

Eleven-year-old Amy lives in a decaying underground city. Ignored by her mother and under surveillance by authorities because she can read, Amy reluctantly finds herself befriending Axel-a strange boy who claims to have come from a mythical place called ...Outside. Is Axel crazy? Amy knows there is no such place as Outside.

Eu sei que foi publicado no 1980, mas gráficos semelhantes são usados ​​em muitos trabalhos.

09.09.2014 / 12:38