Filme de animação com um garoto sozinho em um planeta com um microfone


Um amigo meu acabou de perguntar se me lembro de um filme de animação (possivelmente dos 70s) que mostrava um garoto preso em um planeta com um microfone chamado Mike.

por Chailey 08.07.2019 / 12:32

1 resposta

Time Masters (1982) (originalmente intitulado: Les Maîtres du temps)

Piel, a little boy, is left marooned on the planet Perdide after both his parents have been killed by giant hornet-like aliens. Thankfully an emergency transmitter provides him with instantaneous communication with Jaffar, an adventurer who was a friend of his father. This Jaffar convinces the current passengers on his ship, an exiled prince and princess, that a rescue mission must be undertaken. Its a long way to Perdide though, so Jaffar first picks up an old technician who knows that planet. Together with two telepathic aliens they start their mission to save Piel, all the time talking to the boy and trying to avoid him walking into danger. But on the way to Perdide, Jaffar and his friends encounter a lot of trouble themselves, including a hive of malignant angels and what seems to be a traitor in their midst

Encontrei isso no Google filme animado menino sozinho planeta microfone que apareceu essa outra pergunta id com a mesma resposta. O atendedor também deixou o seguinte comentar o que me levou a verificar:

I've seen this, I think. Did the boy communicate with the ship via a microphone, and so refer to the voice as "Mike"?

08.07.2019 / 12:43