Se um vampiro bebe sangue de um humano doente, o vampiro é infectado?


Eu sou um vampiro, e estou estupidamente faminto, para não mencionar estupidamente estúpido. Alimento-me com um estranho aleatório e, quem diria - esse estranho é HIV positivo.

Estou pronto para uma dose saudável de AIDS de vampiro? Eu não sou? É específico da doença ou universal?

por Ivan T. 06.08.2019 / 13:52

2 respostas

Sabe-se que o HIV e outros contágios transmitidos pelo sangue são transmitidos pelos vampiros desde a 1st Edition. Simplesmente torna um vampiro HIV positivo. Ele nunca mostrará todos os sintomas usuais da AIDS, mas submeterá a doença se não for cuidadoso e poderá obter outras desvantagens da doença que destrói seu Vitae. Abaixo, você encontra as cotações relevantes do 1st ao 20th Anniversary Edition.

1st & 2nd

Recently, the Center for Disease Control, based in Atlanta, has become deeply concerned over the increasing incidents of AIDS being transmitted without apparent intimacies of any sort. The CDC has begun to worry that the virus no longer requires sexual contact to be spread. Before news begins to spread, it has begun an enormous investigation.
Vampire: The Masquerade 1st Edition, Chapter Witch Hunters, p31
Vampire: The Masquerade 2nd Edition, Chapter Witch Hunters, p 187


But immunity to disease doesn’t mean the vampires can ignore diseases. Any illness that can be transmitted by the blood is a potential problem for vampires, because they can carry the illness and transmit it from victim to victim. Indeed, several Kindred in Haiti and the US have become active carriers for the HIV virus. By drinking from someone infected with the HIV virus and then feeding on different victims, these vampires have helped to spread an already rampant infection.

In some fiefdoms any vampire found carrying HIV is locked away for the good of the herd. In rare cases such carriers have even been put to Final Death for spreading the disease. Such plague-dogs are frowned upon heavily in the Camarilla, for not only does disease threaten the human populace, but victims of the disease might speak of their affiliation with vampires, putting the Masquerade in grave danger.
Vampire: The Masquerade Revised, p226


There are certain advantages to being a walking corpse. One of the biggest is a natural immunity to most diseases. AIDS, SARS, cancer, syphilis, and other illnesses mean little or nothing to the undead. But immunity to disease doesn’t mean the vampires can ignore diseases. Any illness that can be transmitted by the blood is a potential problem for vampires, because they can carry the illness and transmit it from victim to victim. Indeed, several Kindred have become active carriers for HIV. By drinking from someone infected with HIV and then feeding on different victims, these vampires have helped to spread a particularly virulent infection.

In some fiefdoms, any vampire found carrying such a blood-borne disease is locked away for the good of the herd. In rare cases such carriers have even been put to Final Death for spreading disease. Such plaguedogs are frowned upon heavily in the Camarilla, for not only does disease threaten the human populace, but victims of the disease might speak of their affiliation with vampires, putting the Masquerade in grave danger. Even the vampires of the Sabbat, with their lack of concern for the herd, have begun to consider regulations regarding disease carriers.
Vampire: The Masquerade 20th Anniversary, p295

Falha real

DISEASE CARRIER (4-PT. FLAW) Your blood carries a lethal and highly contagious disease. The disease can be anything from rabies to HIV, and Kindred who drink your blood have a 10 percent chance of becoming a carrier as well. You must spend an extra blood point each night on awakening, or you will begin manifesting symptoms of the disease (increased chance to frenzy for rabies, reduced soak rolls for HIV, etc.).
Vampire: The Masquerade Revised, p298
Vampire: The Masquerade 20th Anniversary, p483

06.08.2019 / 14:29

Na Quinta Edição, o vampiro não sofre, mas as futuras vítimas sofrerão.

Even should they contract a disease from infected human blood, they pass it on to the kine they feed upon, while the germs die in their own system. (p.221)

06.08.2019 / 14:49