Como Robin Hobb chamou um grupo de dragões?


Robin Hobb, no final da série "Realm of the Elderlings", chamou um grupo de dragões de algo e eu não consigo me lembrar o que era ou encontrá-lo nesses livros ou online. Alguém sabe o que era?

por NaturesCreed 17.04.2019 / 00:50

3 respostas

Uma catástrofe

His eyes on the dragons and their destruction, Beloved asked, ‘If a flock of crows is a murder, what should we call a group of dragons?’ ‘A catastrophe of dragons,’ someone said, with no humour in his deep voice.
Assassin's Fate - Chapter 39: The Vengeance

05.06.2019 / 16:58

Um emaranhado

One at a time, the other great serpents heaved their long bodies free of clinging muck and outgrown skin [...] joining in the tangle's dance.
Ship of Magic - Prologue: The Tangle

Almost immediately, she sensed that the ship did not wish her to be there but She Who Remembers felt no compunction about remaining. Her duty was to the tangle of serpents she had awakened. If the ship were a danger to them, she would discover it.
Ship of Destiny - Chapter 15: Serpent Ship

Maulkin is the leader of a tangle of serpents. His tangle is the last one, and the only tangle who makes it up the river to start the process of turning into a dragon.

17.04.2019 / 01:40

Em Blood of dragons, um marinheiro de Calced os chamou de rebanho quando um grupo de dragões ataca seus barcos. Embora não seja mencionado por Thymara ou Elise, é mencionado no final do Rain Wild Chronicles, se não o final do Reino dos Idosos Series. Estou ouvindo o audiolivro, então só posso afirmar que ocorre aproximadamente no meio do livro, em algum lugar a meio caminho do CD 7 do 13.

23.04.2019 / 03:51