Em Game of Thrones, um dragão pode ser morto?


Falando sobre dragões crescidos aqui - não me lembro de ter lido sobre o quão dura sua pele é ou qual é o seu estilo de luta. (Eles apenas voam em torno de respirar fogo, ou eles começam a trabalhar no estilo Skyrim?)

Mais importante, eu quero saber se alguém já matou um dragão. E se sim, como? E se não, há evidências de que isso é possível?

Observe que estou procurando fatos dos livros que mostram se é possível e se foi feito.

por IamVeryCuriousIndeed 21.06.2014 / 23:00

3 respostas

Os dragões são suscetíveis a lesões físicas, especialmente aquelas que envolvem lanças ou flechas afiadas com ponta de metal, além de lesões por trauma contuso.

O décimo sexto da série de romances Dunk and Egg "A princesa e a rainha"por GRRM contém uma representação vívida do dano que um dragão pode receber:

Hundreds fled in terror from her flames … but hundreds more, drunk or mad or possessed of the Warrior’s own courage, pushed through to the attack. Even at the apex of the dome, the dragon was within easy reach of archer and crossbowman, and arrows and quarrels flew at Dreamfyre wherever she turned, at such close range that some few even punched through her scales. Whenever she lighted, men swarmed to the attack, driving her back into the air. Twice the dragon flew at the Dragonpit’s great bronze gates, only to find them closed and barred and defended by ranks of spears.

Unable to flee, Dreamfyre returned to the attack, savaging her tormenters until the sands of the pit were strewn with charred corpses, and the very air was thick with smoke and the smell of burned flesh, yet still the spears and arrows flew. The end came when a crossbow bolt nicked one of the dragon’s eyes. Half-blind, and maddened by a dozen lesser wounds, Dreamfyre spread her wings and flew straight up at the great dome above in a last desperate attempt to break into the open sky. Already weakened by blasts of dragonflame, the dome cracked under the force of impact, and a moment later half of it came tumbling down, crushing both dragon and dragonslayers under tons of broken stone and rubble.

Outro foi morto com uma lança no olho:

Morghul, it is written, was slain by the Burning Knight, a huge brute of a man in heavy armor who rushed headlong into the dragon’s flame with spear in hand, thrusting its point into the beast’s eye repeatedly even as the dragonflame melted the steel plate that encased him and devoured the flesh within.

e outro com um machado na cabeça:

Shrykos was the first dragon to succumb, slain by a woodsman known as Hobb the Hewer, who leapt onto her neck, driving his axe down into the beast’s skull as Shrykos roared and twisted, trying to throw him off. Seven blows did Hobb deliver with his legs locked round the dragon’s neck, and each time his axe came down he roared out the name of one of the Seven. It was the seventh blow, the Stranger’s blow, that slew the dragon, crashing through scale and bones into the beast’s brain.

Aparentemente, outro foi morto, seja com uma flecha de besta, mas mais provavelmente com um grapnel:

Several differing tales were told afterward of how and why the dragon fell. Some claimed a crossbowman put an iron bolt through his eye, but this version seems suspiciously similar to the way Meraxes met her end, long ago in Dorne. Another account tells us that a sailor in the crow’s nest of a Myrish galley cast a grapnel as Vermax was swooping through the fleet. One of its prongs found purchase between two scales, and was driven deep by the dragon’s own considerable speed. The sailor had coiled his end of the chain about the mast, and the weight of the ship and the power of Vermax’s wings tore a long jagged gash in the dragon’s belly. The dragon’s shriek of rage was heard as far off as Spicetown, even through the clangor of battle. His flight jerked to a violent end, Vermax went down smoking and screaming, clawing at the water. Survivors said he struggled to rise, only to crash headlong into a burning galley. Wood splintered, the mast came tumbling down, and the dragon, thrashing, became entangled in the rigging. When the ship heeled over and sank, Vermax sank with her.

Fora do universo, o GRRM sugeriu intrigante que possamos ver um dragão contra dragão em algum momento no futuro;

Q. Can a stag kill a dragon? More to the point, could any animal kill a dragon?

A. That remains to be seen, but perhaps...another dragon.

21.06.2014 / 23:39

Sim, dragões podem ser mortos.

De fato, quase todo dragão conhecido foi morto em circunstâncias violentas. A melhor descrição que temos da guerra dos dragões é da novela A princesa e a rainha, que descreve a guerra civil conhecida como A Dança do Dragão, que eclodiu entre dois ramos da Casa Targaryen. Os dragões seriam na maioria das vezes usados ​​como bombardeiros. Mergulhando nas forças terrestres e soprando fogo nelas. De vez em quando, uma luta dragão a dragão acontecia. Nessas ocasiões, os dragões lutavam no ar usando fogo, dente e garra para atacar um ao outro até que um caísse e morresse. Os dragões também foram mortos por homens, embora seja uma tarefa muito difícil. Suas peles são realmente muito embora, mas não impermeáveis ​​e podem ser perfuradas com flechas e golpes de machado bem posicionados. Eles também têm pontos fracos, principalmente os olhos.

21.06.2014 / 23:18

Uma Canção de Gelo e Fogo

@Aegon tem uma excelente lista aqui de todos os dragões que viveram em Westeros e seus destinos. Eu compilei uma lista completa dos dragões em Westeros que morreram de causas não naturais e o que eram.

Vhagar e Caraxes

Ambos morreram de suas feridas durante a batalha no olho dos deuses. Seus ferimentos foram infligidos um ao outro e então eles também colidiram com o lago com uma força massiva que provavelmente infligiu ferimentos fatais.

The attack came sudden as a thunderbolt. Caraxes dove down upon Vhagar with a piercing shriek that was heard a dozen miles away, cloaked by the glare of the setting sun on Prince Aemond’s blind side. The Blood Wyrm slammed into the older dragon with terrible force. Their roars echoed across the Gods Eye as the two grappled and tore at one another, dark against a blood red sky. So bright did their flames burn that fisherfolk below feared the clouds themselves had caught fire. Locked together, the dragons tumbled toward the lake. The Blood Wyrm’s jaws closed about Vhagar’s neck, her black teeth sinking deep into the flesh of the larger dragon. Even as Vhagar’s claws raked her belly open and Vhagar’s own teeth ripped away a wing, Caraxes bit deeper, worrying at the wound as the lake rushed up below them with terrible speed.
And it was then, the tales tell us, that Prince Daemon Targaryen swung a leg over his saddle and leapt from one dragon to the other. In his hand was Dark Sister, the sword of Queen Visenya. As Aemond One-Eye looked up in terror, fumbling with the chains that bound him to his saddle, Daemon ripped off his nephew’s helm and drove the sword down into his blind eye, so hard the point came out the back of the young prince’s throat. Half a heartbeat later, the dragons struck the lake, sending up a gout of water so high that it was said to have been as tall as Kingspyre Tower.
Neither man nor dragon could have survived such an impact, the fisherfolk who saw it said. Nor did they. Caraxes lived long enough to crawl back onto the land. Gutted, with one wing torn from his body and the waters of the lake smoking about him, the Blood Wyrm found the strength to drag himself onto the lakeshore, expiring beneath the walls of Harrenhal. Vhagar’s carcass plunged to the lake floor, the hot blood from the gaping wound in her neck bringing the water to a boil over her last resting place. When she was found some years later, after the end of the Dance of the Dragons, Prince Aemond’s armored bones remained chained to her saddle, with Dark Sister thrust hilt-deep through his eye socket.
The Princess and the Queen


Morreu de um raio escorpiano perfurando seu olho e a subsequente queda no chão.

So again the Targaryens turned to their dragons, unleashing their fury upon Starfall and Skyreach and Hellholt. It was at Hellholt where the Dornish had their greatest success against the Targaryens. A bolt from a scorpion pierced the eye of Meraxes, and the great dragon and the queen who rode upon it fell from the sky. In her death throes, the dragon destroyed the castle's highest tower and part of the curtain wall. Queen Rhaenys's body was never returned to King's Landing.
The World of Ice and Fire, Dorne: Dorne Against the Dragons


Morreu lutando com Balerion durante a Batalha Sob o Olho dos Deuses. Dizem que Balerion agarrou a garganta de Mercúrio em suas mandíbulas, arrancou uma de suas asas e a deixou cair no chão. As informações anteriores foram retiradas do wiki sobre a luta, mas não consigo encontrar uma citação de livro.

In the end, it was a confluence of the Faith and his own family that proved Maegor's undoing. In 43 AC, his nephew, Prince Aegon, attempted to win back the throne that by law should have been his, in what came to be known as the great Battle Beneath the Gods Eye. Aegon died in that battle, leaving behind his wife and sister Rhaena, and their two twin daughters; his dragon, Quicksilver, was lost as well.
The World of Ice and Fire, The Targaryen Kings: Maegor I

Vermithor, Seasmoke e Tessarion

Todos os três morreram em uma luta juntos, onde Vermithor arrancou a cabeça de Seasmoke e depois Vermithor morreu de ferimentos fatais que Tessarion lhe causou. Tessarion foi o último a morrer, ferido fatalmente por Vermithor e incapaz de voar, e foi arquivado pela miséria de um arqueiro que atirou no olho dele.

We shall never know the answers to those questions. All that history tells us is that three dragons fought amidst the mud and blood and smoke of Second Tumbleton. Seasmoke was first to die, when Vermithor locked his teeth into his neck and ripped his head off. Afterward the bronze dragon tried to take flight with his prize still in his jaws, but his tattered wings could not lift his weight. After a moment he collapsed and died. Tessarion, the Blue Queen, lasted until sunset. Thrice she tried to regain the sky, and thrice failed. By late afternoon she seemed to be in pain, so Lord Blackwood summoned his best archer, a longbowman known as Billy Burley, who took up a position a hundred yards away (beyond the range of the dying dragon’s fires) and sent three shafts into her eye as she lay helpless on the ground.
The Princess and the Queen


Ferido no ataque no Dragonpit pelos atacantes por flechas, ferrolhos e lanças, ele conseguiu matar muitos atacantes. Eventualmente, um raio de besta atingiu seu olho e voou para o teto, derrubando-o em cima de si.

Unable to flee, Dreamfyre returned to the attack, savaging her tormenters until the sands of the pit were strewn with charred corpses, and the very air was thick with smoke and the smell of burned flesh, yet still the spears and arrows flew. The end came when a crossbow bolt nicked one of the dragon’s eyes. Half-blind, and maddened by a dozen lesser wounds, Dreamfyre spread her wings and flew straight up at the great dome above in a last desperate attempt to break into the open sky. Already weakened by blasts of dragonflame, the dome cracked under the force of impact, and a moment later half of it came tumbling down, crushing both dragon and dragonslayers under tons of broken stone and rubble.
The Princess and the Queen


Morreu no ataque Dragonpit pelo Cavaleiro Ardente, que percorreu as chamas dos dragões com lança na mão e a matou.

Morghul, it is written, was slain by the Burning Knight, a huge brute of a man in heavy armor who rushed headlong into the dragon’s flame with spear in hand, thrusting its point into the beast’s eye repeatedly even as the dragonflame melted the steel plate that encased him and devoured the flesh within.
The Princess and the Queen


Morto por Hobb, o Hewer no Poço do Dragão, por sete golpes na cabeça com um machado.

Shrykos was the first dragon to succumb, slain by a woodsman known as Hobb the Hewer, who leapt onto her neck, driving his axe down into the beast’s skull as Shrykos roared and twisted, trying to throw him off. Seven blows did Hobb deliver with his legs locked round the dragon’s neck, and each time his axe came down he roared out the name of one of the Seven. It was the seventh blow, the Stranger’s blow, that slew the dragon, crashing through scale and bones into the beast’s brain.
The Princess and the Queen


Mais uma vez morto no Dragonpit, mas durante as consequências. Não está claro como Syrax foi finalmente morto, embora tenha morrido lutando no chão e várias pessoas reivindicam a morte por armas portáteis.

Unchained and riderless, Syrax might have easily have flown away from the madness. The sky was hers. She could have returned to the Red Keep, left the city entirely, taken wing for Dragonstone. Was it the noise and fire that drew her to the Hill of Rhaenys, the roars and screams of dying dragons, the smell of burning flesh? We cannot know, no more than we can know why Syrax chose to descend upon the mobs, rending them with tooth and claw and devouring dozens, when she might as easily have rained fire on them from above, for in the sky no man could have harmed her. We can only report what happened.
Many a conflicting tale is told of the death of the queen’s dragon. Some credit Hobb the Hewer and his axe, though this is almost certainly mistaken. Could the same man truly have slain two dragons on the same night and in the same manner? Some speak of an unnamed spearman, “a blood-soaked giant” who leapt from the Dragonpit’s broken dome onto the dragon’s back. Others relate how a knight named Ser Warrick Wheaton slashed a wing from Syrax with a Valyrian steel sword. A crossbowman named Bean would claim the kill afterward, boasting of it in many a wine sink and tavern, until one of the queen’s loyalists grew tired of his wagging tongue and cut it out. The truth of the matter no one will ever know—except that Syrax died that night.
The Princess and the Queen


O último, da lista, a morrer no poço do dragão Tyraxes se retirou para sua camada e matou todos os que atacaram a entrada. Eventualmente, os atacantes atacaram a entrada dos fundos e Tyraxes foi pego em suas correntes. Não está claro como Tyraxes foi morto e várias pessoas afirmariam ter feito isso.

Prince Joffrey’s Tyraxes retreated back into his lair, we are told, roasting so many would-be dragonslayers as they rushed after him that its entrance was soon made impassable by their corpses. But it must be recalled that each of these man-made caves had two entrances, one fronting on the sands of the pit, the other opening onto the hillside, and soon the rioters broke in by the “back door,” howling through the smoke with swords and spears and axes. As Tyraxes turned, his chains fouled, entangling him in a web of steel that fatally limited his movement. Half a dozen men (and one woman) would later claim to have dealt the dragon the mortal blow.
The Princess and the Queen


Foi ferido por vários dragões, mas derrotou a todos: Meleys (que quase arrancou uma asa do corpo), Grey Ghost (Sunfyre esquerdo com um olho e muitas feridas) e Moondancer (muitas lesões e as duas caíram no chão juntas) ) Após essas brigas, Sunfyre acabou sucumbindo às feridas e morreu.

In the days following his half sister’s death, the king still clung to the hope that Sunfyre might recover enough strength to fly again. Instead the dragon only seemed to weaken further, and soon the wounds in his neck began to stink. Even the smoke he exhaled had a foul smell to it, and toward the end he would no longer eat. On the ninth day of the twelfth moon of 130 AC, the magnificent golden dragon that had been King Aegon’s glory died in the yard of Dragonstone where he had fallen. His Grace wept.
The Princess and the Queen


Morto por Sunfyre após vários ferimentos, cegando pelo fogo de dargon e eventualmente caindo no chão.

They met amidst the darkness that comes before the dawn, shadows in the sky lighting the night with their fires. Moondancer eluded Sunfyre’s flames, eluded his jaws, darted beneath his grasping claws, then came around and raked the larger dragon from above, opening a long smoking wound down his back and tearing at his injured wing. Watchers below said that Sunfyre lurched drunkenly in the air, fighting to stay aloft, whilst Moondancer turned and came back at him, spitting fire. Sunfyre answered with a furnace blast of golden flame so bright it lit the yard below like a second sun, a blast that took Moondancer full in the eyes. Like as not, the young dragon was blinded in that instant, yet still she flew on, slamming into Sunfyre in a tangle of wings and claws. As they fell, Moondancer struck at Sunfyre’s neck repeatedly, tearing out mouthfuls of flesh, whilst the elder dragon sank his claws into her underbelly. Robed in fire and smoke, blind and bleeding, Moondancer’s wings beat desperately as she tried to break away, but all her efforts did was slow their fall.
The watchers in the yard scrambled for safety as the dragons slammed into the hard stone, still fighting. On the ground, Moondancer’s quickness proved of little use against Sunfyre’s size and weight. The green dragon soon lay still. The golden dragon screamed his victory and tried to rise again, only to collapse back to the ground with hot blood pouring from his wounds.
The Princess and the Queen

Fantasma cinzento

Foi morto por Sunfyre depois que Sunfyre retornou à Pedra do Dragão e depois parcialmente comido, embora os detalhes da luta não sejam claros.

Sunfyre could no longer soar, not remain in the air for long, but must needs struggle to fly even short distances. Yet somehow he had crossed the waters of Blackwater Bay … for it was Sunfyre that the sailors on the Nessaria had seen attacking Grey Ghost.
Moondancer was a young dragon, pale green, with horns and crest and wingbones of pearl. Aside from her great wings, she was no larger than a warhorse, and weighed less. She was very quick, however, and Sunfyre, though much larger, still struggled with a malformed wing, and had taken fresh wounds from Grey Ghost.
The Princess and the Queen


Morto por Vhagar e Sunfyre durante uma luta contra os dois, mas conseguiu quase rasgar uma das asas de Sunfyre de seu corpo.

Those closest to the dragons did not live to tell the tale. Those farther off could not see, for the flame and smoke. It was hours before the fires guttered out. But from those ashes, only Vhagar rose unharmed. Meleys was dead, broken by the fall and ripped to pieces upon the ground. And Sunfyre, that splendid golden beast, had one wing half torn from his body, whilst his royal rider had suffered broken ribs, a broken hip, and burns that covered half his body. His left arm was the worst. The dragonflame had burned so hot that the king’s armor had melted into his flesh.
The Princess and the Queen


Morreu na batalha no esófago depois de cair no mar, embora não seja claro por que ele voou muito baixo e caiu.

… till Vermax flew too low, and went crashing down into the sea.
Several differing tales were told afterward of how and why the dragon fell. Some claimed a crossbowman put an iron bolt through his eye, but this version seems suspiciously similar to the way Meraxes met her end, long ago in Dorne. Another account tells us that a sailor in the crow’s nest of a Myrish galley cast a grapnel as Vermax was swooping through the fleet. One of its prongs found purchase between two scales, and was driven deep by the dragon’s own considerable speed. The sailor had coiled his end of the chain about the mast, and the weight of the ship and the power of Vermax’s wings tore a long jagged gash in the dragon’s belly. The dragon’s shriek of rage was heard as far off as Spicetown, even through the clangor of battle. His flight jerked to a violent end, Vermax went down smoking and screaming, clawing at the water. Survivors said he struggled to rise, only to crash headlong into a burning galley. Wood splintered, the mast came tumbling down, and the dragon, thrashing, became entangled in the rigging. When the ship heeled over and sank, Vermax sank with her.
The Princess and the Queen


Foi morto por Vhagar depois de uma curta batalha durante uma tempestade e caiu no mar por sua cabeça e pescoço para lavar a costa alguns dias depois.

Outside, the storm was raging. Thunder rolled across the castle, the rain fell in blinding sheets, and from time to time great bolts of blue-white lightning lit the world as bright as day. It was bad weather for flying, even for a dragon, and Arrax was struggling to stay aloft when Prince Aemon mounted Vhagar and went after him. Had the sky been calm, Prince Lucerys might have been able to outfly his pursuer, for Arrax was younger and swifter … but the day was black, and so it came to pass that the dragons met above Shipbreaker Bay. Watchers on the castle walls saw distant blasts of flame, and heard a shriek cut the thunder. Then the two beasts were locked together, lightning crackling around them. Vhagar was five times the size of her foe, the hardened survivor of a hundred battles. If there was a fight, it could not have lasted long.
Arrax fell, broken, to be swallowed by the storm-lashed waters of the bay. His head and neck washed up beneath the cliffs below Storm’s End three days later, to make a feast for crabs and seagulls. Prince Lucerys’s corpse washed up as well.
The Princess and the Queen

Nuvem Tempestuosa

Fugiu da batalha no esófago, mas sofreu ferimentos de flecha e um escorpião no pescoço. Depois de alcançar Dragonstone, sucumbiu aos ferimentos e morreu.

The tale reached Dragonstone only when Prince Aegon arrived desperately clinging to the neck of his dragon, Stormcloud. The boy was white with terror, shaking like a leaf and stinking of piss. Only nine, he had never flown before … and would never fly again, for Stormcloud had been terribly wounded as he fled, arriving with the stubs of countless arrows embedded in his belly and a scorpion bolt through his neck. He died within the hour, hissing as the hot blood gushed black and smoking from his wounds.
The Princess and the Queen

Há mais alguns dragões em Westeros, incluindo Balerion, o Pavor Negro, mas eles morreram de causas naturais (Balerion, O Último Dragão, Manhã) ou desapareceram (Silverwing, Sheep Stealer, Cannibal).

Há também o caso de Urrax, um dragão antigo, que teria sido morto por Serwyn, do Escudo Espelho, ao mergulhar uma lança no olho. No entanto, não está claro se essa é uma história verdadeira ou não.

"No doubt. Well, Hugor Hill, answer me this. How did Serwyn of the Mirror Shield slay the dragon Urrax?"
"He approached behind his shield. Urrax saw only his own reflection until Serwyn had plunged his spear through his eye."
A Dance with Dragons, Tyrion III

Game of Thrones

Vimos pela primeira vez Drogon ser ferido por lanças nos poços de combate em Mereen quando ele vem salvar Dany dos Filhos da Harpia. Dany puxa pelo menos uma lança para fora do lado de Drogon, por isso certamente o machucou um pouco.

Mais tarde, ele é ferido pela Lannister Ballista na Temporada 7, quando ela, Drogon e os Dothraki atacam o trem da caravana. Aqui Drogon grita de dor e cai no chão, onde Dany novamente o tira do ombro.

Qyburn também já havia comprovado a eficácia do balista, atirando-o no crânio de um dragão no porão da Fortaleza Vermelha.

Na temporada 7, o episódio 6, "Beyond the Wall",

Viserion, was killed by the Night King after throwing an ice spear into him just under his wing. You can watch that scene here.

A partir da Temporada 8 Episódio 4, "The Last of the Starks",

Rhaegal was sniped out of the sky by Euron and the scorpions on the ships of the Iron Fleet. He fell into the ocean dead as a dodo. You can watch that scene here.

O wikia nos dragões também menciona mais alguns dragões, principalmente os dos livros. No entanto, como a maioria das informações parece ter sido tirada dos livros e não do programa, não repetirei aqui.

04.12.2017 / 14:18