A resposta é sim. Aparentemente, tudo isso aconteceu em Batman: Silêncio as anotado aqui
In the Batman: Hush storyline, it is named a subsidiary of Wayne Entertainment.
Batman tem conhecida identidade secreta do Super-Homem por um longo tempo (Desde a Superman Vol1, #76 no 1952), é improvável que ele não soubesse que era o chefe de Kent. É ainda mais estranho porque ele comprou de Lex Luthor
Both Wayne and Kent know the truth about each other’s alter egos by the period when Wayne purchased The Daily Planet, so we can guess this was certainly some sort of power move by Batman. Perhaps Wayne’s main motivation for buying the The Daily Planet was to save the paper from Luthor, but let’s be real about these fictional superheroes, there’s no way ego wasn’t a part of his calculation.
How much influence Wayne has had over the publication’s reporting remains unclear. Presumably, Wayne had a few tips on dimly lit, tall building ledges for the crime beat reporter. But unfortunately, “Help!” writer Jeph Loeb was unavailable to clarify the motives of the characters, as he now works as the executive vice president of Marvel Television.