Mostrar como Pokémon, mas com dados que possuem runas


Lembro que havia um golem de pedra / madeira, um pássaro de gelo e um robô amarelo, e o principal vilão usa um inseto verde e cada monstro está conectado ao selo / runa.

por geada 25.02.2019 / 15:24

1 resposta

Talvez Defensores Di-Gata (2006).

A partir de IMDb:

Di Gata Defenders was a television show that aired throughout the years 2007 2009 in various different continents. The show consisted of 6 Protagonists. and various Antagonists. The Di Gata Defenders were 4 teenagers who were set to defend their realm of RaDos against all the forces of evil that wish to destroy the peace. The 4 Defenders; Melosa, Seth, Kara, and Erik were the first characters introduced. The 4 managed to gain two extra friends. One loyal friend, Rion who happens to be the youngest after Kara is finished off.Rion was made a defender. They also managed to make a on-off friendship with the damaged "son" of one of the antagonists, the sons name is Adam. Adam decided not to become a defender but instead sent out to search for his Bio parents.

Você pode ver os dados cobertos de runas na abertura, bem como um dragão de gelo (não um pássaro), o robô amarelo Robotus e Kragus, o gigante do rock.

Lembrado de Show animado sobre guerreiros que convocam monstros gigantes usando pedras cobertas de runas.

25.02.2019 / 17:32